Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

Guest Unklebuck

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Guest Jeremiah_Johnson

Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

Yep, I like old Mikey Waffle House - that road trips show is the coolest.

Uncle Ted's definitely good for a laugh.

Ralph and Vicki are cool (they plugged my book too so that makes them really smart - big smile).

I'd say Cindy Garrison is the best looking.

Tom Hoffman is my new hunting hero. He's the only man on the planet with a record book entry in every category of the P&Y book and a super nice guy too. I met him and found him to be a regular guy that just loves hunting with bow and arrow.

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Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

I'd say I like Chuck Adams quite a bit after I read his book. I also like Michael Waddell. I also wonder how appropriate it is to call two members of the Realtree pro staff "Jerks". Especially considering we are on a Realtree forum. By the way, how many have spent any amount of time with them to call them jerks. I may not agree with their personality but I won't go as far as to call them names. I bet you're a real peach their Chase. Hmmmmmmm.

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Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

I dont think I can narrow it done to just one. There are so many pro staffers that I like to watch because of the way they re-act to the hunt, I like Micheal Waddell becuase he makes it fun. Chuck Adams is a great hunter, so are guys like Stan Potts, Greg Miller, David Blanton, Bill Jordan, and many others. They all have things I like.

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Guest deerhntnwithdogs

Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer


I'd say I like Chuck Adams quite a bit after I read his book. I also like Michael Waddell. I also wonder how appropriate it is to call two members of the Realtree pro staff "Jerks". Especially considering we are on a Realtree forum. By the way, how many have spent any amount of time with them to call them jerks. I may not agree with their personality but I won't go as far as to call them names. I bet you're a real peach their Chase. Hmmmmmmm.

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Yea I can tell youve never met them. When your a kid and you walk up to Miranda and the moron goes "I dont have time to sign anything for you kid go away" that kinda gets on your bad side. And number 2 Chuck is a great hunter, he just doesnt do anything himself, (so hes really just a great shooter I reckon lol) gotta buddy yea he worked for a guide service in canada that guided Chuck once, he said Chuck wouldnt talk to any of them unless the cameras were rolling and that he refused to go pre-scout or anything but sleep, watch tv and shoot his bow. I can have opinions bud. And to be honest I love this site, but if tommy boy was on here right now I wouldnt care. Im not kissin anybodies behind just because he wears a certain camo and I happen to be on that site.I refuse to censor myself because im on his sponsors site. Nothanks Ill let everyone know my opinion. Dont call me out untill you KNOW them both.

There, excuse my rant but I just cant stand those guys, one was a jerk to a friend of mine and the other was a jerk to me personally, its pretty sad when someone acts like a jerk to a kid and another one of his staffer teamates (Michael) walks up and says "Dont worry about him bud howd you like my autograph?" and signed my picture. Straight up arrogant punk is all I have to say about him JMO


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Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

in the deer and turkey world im going to have to go with waddell also pleasant to meet in person too...in the waterfowl world prolly will primos and his crew

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Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

I can't say I have just one favorite. My favorites are those that have or at least seem to have a lot of knowledge about the game they pursue and also have a good sense of humor and aren't shy about showing it. Some of the ones that fit that mold are Gene and Barry Wensel, Michael Waddel, Ralph Ciancarulo, Ronnie Strickland, Travis Turner, and Mark and Terry Drury.

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Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

Hard to pick just one, I like too many personalities. I truly like the Realtree gang and many others for their Individual contributions to bringing us informative and quality packed hunting stories and products we can use. My hats off to those who are hardcore prostaffers.

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Guest deerhntnwithdogs

Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

I too like Greg Miller and Stan Potts both, my ultimate fav. is probably Foulkerod, Im suprised nobodys mentioned him yet. I want to go to his bowhunting school even though im not a beginner, that just looks like it would be a blast you know?


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Guest Wyttale

Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

It has to be Tiffany Lakosky. I mean she is HOT and she bow hunts too. What else could a guy want from his woman?

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Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer


It has to be Tiffany Lakosky. I mean she is HOT and she bow hunts too. What else could a guy want from his woman?

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New guy has a point here!! I would say Michael W. would be my fav to watch. I met David Blanton at Bass Pro and he was very cool.

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Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer


I agree Michael Waddell is my fav too. I love the comments he makes right after a shot.

"FIF....TY yards and that buck can't hold it!"

But who can forget Tiffany Lakosky of "Gettin close" grin.giftongue.gif

Michaels good, but Tiffany's just a lil' bit cuter shocked.gif

Ralph and Vicki of Archers choice are funny the way they goof on each other too.

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I concur!!!! Tiff, WOW!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer


I too like Greg Miller and Stan Potts both, my ultimate fav. is probably Foulkerod, Im suprised nobodys mentioned him yet. I want to go to his bowhunting school even though im not a beginner, that just looks like it would be a blast you know?


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You slam Adams and Miranda and yet you like Bob Foulkerod? I lost all respect for him when I seen him take a Caribou with a bow while it was still in the water crossing a river and then he whined because it died in the water and he had to go out and get it. The Caribou was just about ready to get out of the water and reach shore when he shot it. Can't beleive they would have aired that hunt. Lost all respect for him by doing that! Give the animal time to get out of the water and shed the water off itself!

To me that is not fair to take an animal while in water.

With that said I respect David Blanton from Realtree and Greg Abbas from A-way outdoors. Both show emotion after the hunt and would be great guys to have at deer or turkey camp!!

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Guest deerhntnwithdogs

Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer



I too like Greg Miller and Stan Potts both, my ultimate fav. is probably Foulkerod, Im suprised nobodys mentioned him yet. I want to go to his bowhunting school even though im not a beginner, that just looks like it would be a blast you know?


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You slam Adams and Miranda and yet you like Bob Foulkerod? I lost all respect for him when I seen him take a Caribou with a bow while it was still in the water crossing a river and then he whined because it died in the water and he had to go out and get it. The Caribou was just about ready to get out of the water and reach shore when he shot it. Can't beleive they would have aired that hunt. Lost all respect for him by doing that! Give the animal time to get out of the water and shed the water off itself!

To me that is not fair to take an animal while in water.

With that said I respect David Blanton from Realtree and Greg Abbas from A-way outdoors. Both show emotion after the hunt and would be great guys to have at deer or turkey camp!!

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So what does bob shooting a caribou in the water have to do with the Jerks that Tom and Chuck are? Theres a difference between shot choice and personality. I dont like the 2 becaue they act like jerks, and yet your saying Bob is just as bad becuase he took a shot that YOU didnt agree with? Nice argument there smirk.gif I have nothing against shooting an animal in water. As long as they arent swimming, so why would I not like bob because of that shot? Thats like not liking Jeff Gordon (My favorite driver of all time Hendriks Racing is in my blood haha) just because he pushed Kenseth 2 weeks ago. Do I agree with what he did? To a certain extent yes but the push was a little too much for the given situation, but Im not gonna hate him for it. That doesnt hold water what so ever ESPECIALLY when you factor in the fact that I AGREE WITH HIS SHOT IN THE FIRST PLACE! That doesnt make sense to say that hes worse than 2 people who acted like jerks (1 directly to me and 1 to a friend)because he made a shot that I agree with and YOU dont. Fact is I dont like the other 2 because they were rude, arrogant, and just plain mean to me, IMO they are both jerks IYO they arent. Thats cool whatever floats your boat. But just because one I like made a shot YOU dont agree with and Im on the forum that sponsors the 2 I dont like Im not gonna censor myself to not say how I feel about the 2 jerks.


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