Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

Guest Unklebuck

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Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

You know what Chase, your quite the character on here with some of your posts.

If you want to shoot animals while in the water then by all means do it, I think its not right and most on here will agree with me. Do it in my state and its illegal and unethical in my book. You need to tone your attitude down a bit. You pick on Tom and Chuck and labeling them as jerks but I call out your favorite pro staffer and you jump all over me?!!!

I guess I am a jerk in your eyes too but you know what, I don't care what you think, your posts are really showing your true colors and that is sad.

Tom and Chuck have given alot to the sport and just because a kid does not get an autograph or someone sleeps and does no scouting, does that make them jerks? Those guys are friends of Realtree founder Bill Jorday and your pretty bold to come on here and bash them!!!

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Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

My last post was not an attempt to offend the masses and if so I am sorry. I just don't like guys coming on here and labeling some great hunters as jerks for a couple of incidences we don't even know if occured and if they did, why label them soley on that event in their lives?

If a guy cuts you off on the highway is he a jerk for life? This site is not a place to bash people or products. Itss to share insight, I think Chase forgot that concept and instead of listing his favorite pro-staffers as the thread started out, a bigger attempt was made to hurt the image of two outstanding hunters. I myself brought up Bob Foulkerod's deal and that was just to say its hard to paint the kettle black when your pro staffer is not all that great in other's eyes.

So to those I offended sorry but I can't sit back and see Tom and Chuck being put down. These guys have made the industry what it is today and we need more like them. Maybe they were having bad days but labeling them on here as jerks is not the right thing to do.

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Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

personally I have heard every point of view and thought on Chuck Adams, and you know what i like him and i respect him. Maybe he treated your friend wrong, but think of how many people who have never even met him have called him a jerk or a traitor for making money out of his profession or just b/c of jealousy. Chuck is a legend and has done a lot of work to make archery what it is today.. and i have met him, trust me you dont get to were he is or has been by not scouting or doing any work...... Miranda on the other hand, he's a good trapper...thats about all i can say.

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Guest Wyttale

Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

Ted Nugent rocks on. He needs to run for Governor of Michigan and get Granholm out of office. He is always so excited when he harvest any type of game animal from rabbits to elephants.

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Guest Wyttale

Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

I don't really care much for Stan Potts. The reason is that I watched him in one of the Prime Time videos where he shot a huge non-typical in the neck while the deer was quartering hard to him. It was a totally unethical shot from a guy that is supposed to be a role model in the hunting world. To hear him preach about ethical shots really irritates me to no end. The shot should have never been taken. Fortunately the deer was recovered about 300 yards from where it was shot. He was extremely lucky to find that animal.

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Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

hey that is your choice, i personally love Stan Potts enthusiasm and raw emotion when he harvests and animal, i'm not too much into the wooping and Screaming as the deer runs off. However on that particular shot was quartering to, but was not a neck shot, he hit the base of teh neck getting penetration after cutting the trachea per perforated 1 lung and liver...

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Guest deerhntnwithdogs

Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

Hey bud look I didnt mean to offend you but I cant stand it when people tell me things like shhhh, big brothers watching. I just hate that because if Im gonna say something about someone and I cant say it to them then I am no better than them. Deal is I cant stand tom because of the way he treated me as a child just the way I feel. I dont like Chuck because he just had an arrogant auora to him when I heard him speak the way that he did about people that I respected a lot (And how he treated my buddy and his friends). Thats just my feeling about them. I say we just forget about it but please dont have a call to arms against me, dont try to turn people against me man, all I did was state my opinion. And I got torn apart for it. I felt backed into a corner because of the whole big brother thing and I defended myself sorry if I offended you. Im willing to forget it if you are. I just dont want people to start hating me because you and me started arguing. I take your opinions and now please take mine.


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Guest deerhntnwithdogs

Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer


My last post was not an attempt to offend the masses and if so I am sorry. I just don't like guys coming on here and labeling some great hunters as jerks for a couple of incidences we don't even know if occured and if they did, why label them soley on that event in their lives?

If a guy cuts you off on the highway is he a jerk for life? This site is not a place to bash people or products. Itss to share insight, I think Chase forgot that concept and instead of listing his favorite pro-staffers as the thread started out, a bigger attempt was made to hurt the image of two outstanding hunters. I myself brought up Bob Foulkerod's deal and that was just to say its hard to paint the kettle black when your pro staffer is not all that great in other's eyes.

So to those I offended sorry but I can't sit back and see Tom and Chuck being put down. These guys have made the industry what it is today and we need more like them. Maybe they were having bad days but labeling them on here as jerks is not the right thing to do.

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Guys I just shared an opinion. I really dont want anbody to hate me because of that. I dont want yall to think less of me because of that. But thats my opinion, take it or leave it. I just shared an experience. If you wanna defend them then thats fine. I defended bob the same way. BUT take the good with the bad. I understand nobodies perfect, Im a perfect example, sorry if I offended anybody too but I just dont want a call to arms against me becuase of an opinion and sharing an experience. I dont want everybody to think im a lowsy guy just because I shared a few bad expericences with 2 people and stated why I dont like them. I just dont want to be hated because of my opinions or experiences.


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Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

Not to jump on your case but it's just a respect thing with being on a certain website and not just stating your oppinion about your favorite pro staffer but also saying two of this site's pro's are jerks. You wouldn't like me coming into a party at your house and then calling your 2 friends jerks. You'd probably kick me out. Same deal...just don't bite the hand that feeds ya. Also, you don't know Chuck Adams or Tom Miranda. They may very well be jerks, but I can't make that asessment if I don't really know them. You met Miranda for a brief moment in time and your friend may have an ulterior motive for saying what he did about Chuck Adams. Ask the pros what they think about these two and I think that you will get a different story about the real pros you say are jerks. Most of what I have heard about Adams is that he is a quiet man with a huge list of accomplishments along with having a masters in English and being a recipient of the Pope and Young Club's Ishii Award. That's not something you get for sitting back and letting others do all the work. I personally have no feelings good or bad for Mr. Miranda because I find it hard to listen to him talk like he's doing a commercial. His tone pitch is just off to me. He may be a great guy or not, but I don't know him well enough to say. I just think you are a little too strong with your oppinion and jump all over other's for voicing their's. You can't have it both ways. You can criticize but expect the same in return. Good luck.

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Guest deerhntnwithdogs

Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

But my whole point is I cnt stand it when I have to censor myself. I understand the respect part. BUT I have beeen around Chuck at shows on about 8 seperate occasions. I think feeling that arrrogance around him all 8 times is enough to come to the conslusion I have. I like Tom's show, but like you I think he needs speach lessons haha. I just dont like him because of the way he treated me. When your a kid and someone does something like that do you not loose all respect for them? I know I did. Thats all im saying, sorry if I offended you guys by calling 2 staff members jerks but thats just the way I feel and I wanted to share it, sorry wont share it if it involves someone on the staff anymore I guess. I cant stand to do it and I dont think its right at all but if itll keep everybody happy and off my case then ill do it the end.


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Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer


So what does bob shooting a caribou in the water have to do with the Jerks that Tom and Chuck are? Theres a difference between shot choice and personality. I dont like the 2 becaue they act like jerks, and yet your saying Bob is just as bad becuase he took a shot that YOU didnt agree with? Nice argument there I have nothing against shooting an animal in water. As long as they arent swimming, so why would I not like bob because of that shot?

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Chase, if I'm right (and someone can correct me if I'm wrong) several of the "books" consider shooting Carabou in the water as NOT fair chase and/or as unethical. As a professional hunter Bob does (or should have) know that, and that is what Lou was getting at. It does reflect on his personality not just his shot choice.

As for the squabbling back and forth about Pro staffers that people don't like, let's drop it and get back on subject - which is who is your favorite.


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Guest deerhntnwithdogs

Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

Just one more thing and then Ill let it go. Thats understandable BUT like Ive said a million times before ethics is a matter of point of view, its a personal choice. Some see it as a bad Idea but apparently bob and I see it differently. Thats cool though not knockin anybody for thinkin it I just think differently I reckon. Now, dont get me wrong i would never shoot them in water past the knees usually or especially swimming but I dont disagree with the shot bob took seeing as to me it didnt look that deep. JMO


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Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

Censorship is everywhere you go whether people want to see it that way or not. We are not allowed to cuss on here wheras other sites you can do it freely. I prefer this site for that very reason. Some of the most respected people I know censor themselves a lot and people in return respect their oppinion much more than my own because I talk a lot. I may know more, but my point gets lost in all the other mumbo jumbo I say. Take a look at the mods in here. Most of them are very respected and yet reserved at the same time. Some are not and it shows. I am happy you express your oppinion but be prepared for people to have one too. By the way, you never said you were around Chuck Adams 8 Times. But still, being around him and knowing him are two different things. I just don't think making harsh statements about someone that promotes RealTree while on a RealTree member's forum is the polite thing to do. Trust me when I say censoring yourself if the first step to maturity. Wisdom comes from listening not speaking. I know I still have a tough time with it, but as long as I keep trying to hear others then I know I am learning. You should read Life At Full Draw. It wasn't written by Chuck Adams, but it is about him. I am not saying you will like the book but maybe you will understand him better. I know I do.

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Guest deerhntnwithdogs

Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

Im not talking about that type of cencorship, dut do you see where Im coming from when I say If I cant say things bad about someone around them then I am no better than them? Im not saying that all pro staffers are jerks I just have personal dislikes with those two. If anyone was offended by that sorry, and JG I know were good bud haha. No worries


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Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

I like The Eastman brothers and ol' dad Mike. They lease a ranch near mine and I have met them on several occasions. I also like them because most of their shows are on western big game. Thats where I live and thats where I hunt. I can only watch so many whitetail hunts before they all look the same.

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Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

Man I can't believe it took to the third page for Don and Kandi Kisky to be mentioned. The Kisky's and the Drury's are the top of my list. I called Mark once for camera information and he talked to me for almost an hour and didn't know me from Adam. That is truly a great person. I've also had an opportunity to meet Alan Altheiser and I am really impressed with him as a person too, but, I haven't seen much out of him in a while.

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Guest bigbucks125

Re: Who is YOUR fav. hunting pro staffer

Michael Waddell...he seems like an awesome guy..I would love to meet him. I also like the entire Primos gang. There videos are as good as anyones.

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