JimT/Lucky Strikers Score-PICS-!!!!!!!


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Re: JimT/Lucky Strikers Score-PICS-!!!!!!!

WOW Jim ...good hunt and good story telling too.

I was right there with you, heart pounding, frustrated, anxious, the whole works. You sure worked hard for that bird and deserve him big-time.

Congrats again and thanks for that great play by play action.

Now go sit down and relax...LOL...you earned it. wink.gifwink.gif

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Re: JimT/Lucky Strikers Score-PICS-!!!!!!!

Congrats on the bird and you deserved to get one after all that running around.

Hopefully, this week I can get another bird for our team. I went over the weekend and all I seen was 1 hen and heard 2 toms, but couldn't ever get them within shooting range. Come Wednesday morning I will be off again and hopefully get me a bird.

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Re: JimT/Lucky Strikers Score-PICS-!!!!!!!

Well Jim, no one said them darn birds played by the rules......I am so pumped for you buddy.....now if you can get a tag every year, that would rock.....you only had to wait 7 years for this tag......hope the taxidermist does the bird justice partner....glad to read the exciting story, it sounded like you had a great hunt......enjoy your feast..........and your memories.......turkey hunting is addicting though, just thought I'd warn you....LOL........al

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Re: JimT/Lucky Strikers Score-PICS-!!!!!!!

Great hunt and story jimt. Congrats! Sounds like you were drained by the time you were standing over that gobbler. With all of the tactical maneuvering you had to do, what time of the day did you finally drop the hammer down on him? Sounds like you had a marathon hunt on your hands.

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