*WANTED/needed - 270cal or ? for elk hunt*


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Here's the scoop,

As most everyone knows "gobblerbane08"(Dakota) has finally gotten into the hospital and had some very extensive heart surgery done. It was a long wait, but it sounds like everything was successful, and so far, so good.

What you may not know, is that he is going on a "Hunt of a Lifetime" (Elk hunt) through http://www.huntofalifetime.org/ , with Steve Beilgard as his guide, from Sept 15-18, 2006.

I have been informed that he (Dakota) does not have an Elk rifle of his own for this hunt, so has no way to get ready and practise shooting.

A 270cal, would probably fit the bill, as far as weight and size goes for a youngster to hunt Elk with, unless someone has a better suggestion.

I don't know how we can get him a rifle for this hunt of a lifetime, but lets go for it and get er done somehow. Either through a donation of a rifle from a kind soul, or from us raising enough funds as a group, to maybe buy a good rifle off of someone in this forum, who may have one for sale.

What do you say guys ??

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Re: *WANTED/needed - 270cal or ? for elk hunt*

HECK,, I'm in .... wink.gif

This is one youngster that deserves this hunt with Steve.. When you get something figured out Steve, just let me know whats needed..

Heck I would even ship my NEW Browning .270 to Steve, for the young man to use, if we could get the shipping and insurance paid for... wink.gif

This weapon would be a good choice because it has the BOSS System that cuts the recoil even more..

Forgot to mention this is a left hand model, but that shouldn't be a biggy..being a bolt action.. wink.gif

Here's what she looks like..



What ever you guys decided I'm in.. wink.gif

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Re: *WANTED/needed - 270cal or ? for elk hunt*

great offer, luke. but, your a leftee. wouldn't that bolt break his nose??? lol. or, maybe dakota is left handed. i'd already offered to let him use my 270. i just wasn't smart enough to offer to ship it. in fact, i'm going through sioux falls sd (his home) in july, on my way to oshkosh fly in. i could drop my gun off when we meet. if he's a lefty, i'll pay the shipping on your gun. or, lets see how this post pans out. i think dakota will get his own gun... i hope.

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Re: *WANTED/needed - 270cal or ? for elk hunt*

That's my gun in classifieds that is posted above. I was set on holding firm to my price, but this may change things a little in that department. If you guys are interetsed in this particular gun for Dakota, let me know, and I'll get with Buckee and we will see about working something out.


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Re: *WANTED/needed - 270cal or ? for elk hunt*

I don't have any particular brand in mind. I'm sure there is someone here who knows their rifles and calibres better than me. Getting a forgiving gun, with not too much kick, is the key for a youngster, but anything under a 270 would be inadequate for Elk, I'd say..

OK, so far we have some very generous offers of donations in the way of cash, rifle loans, a good rifle offered at a resonable price (without a scope) by a member and we also have a few maybe's on the back burner.

Let's wait and see what the back burner brings, before we go on an all-out fund raiser OK.

I'm sure if need be, we can all come up with the funds to buy a rifle and scope if need be.

It would be really nice if we could get him his own rifle for this hunt, and any future big-game hunts that life may bring him in the future.

If it comes down to a fund raiser, I'm in for $50

Dakota has a single shot 243 with scope, and has access to a 243 pump, but that is a pea-shooter for an Elk IMO wink.gif

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Re: *WANTED/needed - 270cal or ? for elk hunt*

I agree, Id go with something larger. Ive never hunted elk but I see a .270 being more effective. There are a lot of very decent guns out there for a good price.

If it comes to money im in too. If we could get someone to throw in a scope or if the funds add up enough to make that possible... That would be cool!

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Re: *WANTED/needed - 270cal or ? for elk hunt*

You are correct I have a rifle I'd loan him. I also talked to my producer today about getting a sponsor gun since we will be filming this hunt and the other youngster on the same hunt but they had alrady been shipped. I am willing to donate a rifle though. I have a H&R Handi rifle chambered in .308 win I won at a local pheasants forever banquet. I spent 10 dollars on the raflle ticket to win the gun. I'd gladly donate the rifle if someone would donate a scope to him. The .308 win is a fine elk round with very mild recoil. My dad has shot that caliber at elk and muleys for over 40 years. If this is acceptable I will ship it to his home. Actrually I'll hand deliver it since he lives only about 30 miles from me.

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Re: *WANTED/needed - 270cal or ? for elk hunt*


You are correct I have a rifle I'd loan him. I also talked to my producer today about getting a sponsor gun since we will be filming this hunt and the other youngster on the same hunt but they had alrady been shipped. I am willing to donate a rifle though. I have a H&R Handi rifle chambered in .308 win I won at a local pheasants forever banquet. I spent 10 dollars on the raflle ticket to win the gun. I'd gladly donate the rifle if someone would donate a scope to him. The .308 win is a fine elk round with very mild recoil. My dad has shot that caliber at elk and muleys for over 40 years. If this is acceptable I will ship it to his home. Actrually I'll hand deliver it since he lives only about 30 miles from me.

[/ QUOTE ]

That sounds fantastic. Man, I love this place. grin.gif

I used to have a 308 Win. that kicked like a mule, but I don't think it was seated properly in the stock. I ended up getting rid of it years ago.

If you think that would be suitable for a young teen to handle, then let's go with that, and work on the scope deal next. grin.gif

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Re: *WANTED/needed - 270cal or ? for elk hunt*

Well guys I have some news and good news at that. I am pulling out my offer for the handi rifle because my producer just called me back and said Savage would donate a Stevens model 200 rifle. Choice of calibers are 25-06, 270, 308, and 7mm-08. I just got off the phone with Steve Beilgad and he said let the kid choose the caliber he wants. I will pay the 60 dollars shipping for the rifle to be shipped here and I would like to ask you guys to pool your donation money together and buy him a quality piece of glass to top this new rifle with. The rifles he chooses will be here by July 1st.

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