*WANTED/needed - 270cal or ? for elk hunt*


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Re: *WANTED/needed - 270cal or ? for elk hunt*

rifleman you just keep coming up with great news... smile.gifsmile.gif and with snappers great offer I can't see why this can't get done....Thanks snapper...KUDO's to you also... smile.gif

And I definately don't want to leave the 3 Steve's out of this great effort... WAY TO GO GUYS... smile.gifsmile.gif

I think you guys are going to make one very deserving young man very, very happy... cool.gifsmile.gif

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Re: *WANTED/needed - 270cal or ? for elk hunt*


Well guys I have some news and good news at that. I am pulling out my offer for the handi rifle because my producer just called me back and said Savage would donate a Stevens model 200 rifle. Choice of calibers are 25-06, 270, 308, and 7mm-08. I just got off the phone with Steve Beilgad and he said let the kid choose the caliber he wants. I will pay the 60 dollars shipping for the rifle to be shipped here and I would like to ask you guys to pool your donation money together and buy him a quality piece of glass to top this new rifle with. The rifles he chooses will be here by July 1st.

[/ QUOTE ]


That is awesome!

I think together we'll be able to put a real quality scope on this rifle for this young man.

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Re: *WANTED/needed - 270cal or ? for elk hunt*

WOW...simply amazing smile.gif....this place gets better and better everyday...for everyone to pull together and get something going like this for this couragous young man....WOW...count me in if you need donations or whatever...and way to go rifleman!! i love this place!! laugh.gif

Here's a thought...i wonder if scott can get Mr jordan or david blanton or michael waddell to send some autographed photos or even if one of them were nice enough to make a special phone call to Dakota?? i think that would really lift his spirits!1

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Re: *WANTED/needed - 270cal or ? for elk hunt*

That's a great offer snapper and we might just have to take you up on that. grin.gif I don't want to start collecting donations just yet. There are a few feelers out there right now, to different optic companies, hoping for a donation.

If those feelers come back empty, then we will definately take you up on that offer snapper grin.gif

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Re: *WANTED/needed - 270cal or ? for elk hunt*

Good deal...it would be great if we could get a scope donated too! Maybe Scott could get in contact with Nikon and see what they could do?

Either way...if we can get a scope donated and folks still want to be apart of this and send money to help...I could also do other stuff at cost ie: rings & bases, sling, recoil pad etc....

Lets keep our fingers crossed that a scope comes up! wink.gif

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Re: *WANTED/needed - 270cal or ? for elk hunt*

Hi Guys, Dakota's dad here! You all are simply amazing! Thank you for all you are doing for my son! Just want to give you a quick Dakota update.

Dakota was sent back down to ICU today (Tues). He has orders to stay in bed today and at least tomorrow so that he doesn't disturb the pacemaker. If the connections are disturbed Dakota's heart will stop. Dakota is experiencing heartblock, which is an interruption of the electrical signal between the upper and lower chambers of the heart that is somewhat common due to the stress of surgery, but often comes back in a few days. Last time this happened with Dakota it took about 7-10 days to correct itself. Sounds like he could be in the hospital that much longer. Looking pretty certain that he will have a permanent pacemaker put in which will be another 1 1/2 hour surgery. The good news is having the pacemaker won't limit his activity and he won't need any extra meds. It will be a comfort to know he'll have a back-up system in place if his heart beats get out of whack!

Thanks again to each one of you to make a special young man very happy! If anyone would like to contact me my email is [email protected] and Dakota's email is [email protected].

Sincerely, Chuck Case (Dakota's Dad

P.S. Dakota had pictures taken during his surgery for a biology report - will try to post one if I can figure it out!

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Re: *WANTED/needed - 270cal or ? for elk hunt*

Good old heart surgery setbacks.... frown.giffrown.gif,, my wife had a few of those when she had her maze surgery done... frown.gif

You tell him to hang in there, and keep his spirits up,,things will get better, we are all pulling and praying for him... wink.gif

Make sure mom and dad get their rest as well,,, I know easier said than done,, but try anyhow... wink.gif

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Re: *WANTED/needed - 270cal or ? for elk hunt*

When i login, i come here first to get dad,s update on Dakota. Prayers said for all the family and Dakota's quick recovery. Money is gone out for the card Steve. Might take awhile to get to you from way down here. If any money needed for scope etc:etc: just PM me and it will be on its way.

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Re: *WANTED/needed - 270cal or ? for elk hunt*



I am pretty sure he has decided on the 270. grin.gif

Good choice eh grin.gif

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Yep,, sure is... smile.gifwink.gif

Thanks Steve, and be sure to let me know if any help is needed on the scope... wink.gif

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Stand-by ....we're waiting to see what needs to be done too. wink.gif

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Re: *WANTED/needed - 270cal or ? for elk hunt*


From Scott Hughes at Realtree.

I have sent all these emails and the story to everyone in the company this morning. Thanks for the updates.


David Blanton has a scope he is going to get to me to ship out, so that is a done deal. Thanks, S

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God is goodgrin.gif

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Re: *WANTED/needed - 270cal or ? for elk hunt*

I got this from Orlan last night and thought I'd pass it on.



I just looked at the forum for a bit and saw the post about a rifle for

Dakota! A 270 is fine, but you have to use a good bullet! No cheap ones,

i.e Speer or Sierra.

I would suggest that he would use the Hornady 130 grain Interbond or a 140

grain Barnes triple shock. Either of these two bullets would work just


Shoot them in the lungs and they will not go far. Shoot them anywhere else

and you will have a tracking job that could last for a couple of days!

I would suggest either the 270 or a 308. Either one of them would work just

fine. I have seen a lot of elk taken with both of these cartridges!

I hope he gets out of the hospital and gets a bit bull!

Best Wishes,


[/ QUOTE ]

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