Provisional Qualifier?


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Re: Provisional Qualifier?


oh, thanks. I guess that may indicate his chances of winnign today arent taht great unless it was mechanical then.

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They could have just been of a bit in the qualifying set up. You don't have to be off by much to be out of the top 36, it is so competetive nowadays. I wouldn't count out the 48. There is a lot of expreience in that organization. I bet his race sey up will be screaming fast.

That being said...... GO JR.!!!!!!

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Re: Provisional Qualifier?

This is something else I'd like to see changed in Nascar! If they are changing the points to have the "best" team/car/driver win the championship...then you should have to qualify for each and every race. If 50 cars show up to qualify...then the top 43 cars race, the other 7 go home. JMO.

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