posting pictures

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Re: posting pictures

When you go to upload a picture from your PC, look at the extension on the file. It should say something like "whitetail.jpg" or "whitetail.gif"

The extension is the ".jpg" or ".gif" there's all kinds of picture formats these days, but RT only accepts certain ones. I always use .jpg

If none of your pictures have those extensions, open the picture, then go to File, Save As, and down where you name the file you'll see the format you can save it as. Switch it to jpeg, or gif.

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Re: posting pictures


When you go to upload a picture from your PC, look at the extension on the file. It should say something like "whitetail.jpg" or "whitetail.gif"

The extension is the ".jpg" or ".gif" there's all kinds of picture formats these days, but RT only accepts certain ones. I always use .jpg

If none of your pictures have those extensions, open the picture, then go to File, Save As, and down where you name the file you'll see the format you can save it as. Switch it to jpeg, or gif.

[/ QUOTE ]


Go to your picture folder on your PC where the picture is stored.

Right click on the picture

(left click)Open with "Paint"

left Click on "Image"

left Click on "stretch/skew"

When the box comes up, change your height and width from 100% to 40 or 50% and left click on "OK".

Let's say you chose 50%, and the picture isn't quite small enough yet.

You need to first undo, what you just did by clicking on "EDIT" and then "UNDO"

Then you can go back to "STRETCH/SKEW" and try maybe 40%.

If your NOT interested in keeping the original format for future developing, go to "FILE" and just click on "Save".You can always rename the picture by right clicking on it in your files and left clicking on "rename"


If you want to keep one picture of the original size for future developing and one of the downsized for the web, click "Save as"... re-name your picture and choose save as .jpg and designate which folder you want to save it in so you know where it is.

It's that easy

When you name your picture, don't leave any spaces. example: - MoosePic2005 or moose_pic_2005

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