Bobb'n head Turkey decoys

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Anyone use these? Seen them at Gander Mountain and what they did isn't rocket science. I thought about taking my Delta feeding hen and making her head bobble. I know turkeys like movement and thought this might be an edge.

Hate to buy these new Bobb'n heads when I can probably make mine do the same thing.

Anyone attempt to make one or has anyone bought these new decoys and if so how do you like them?

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Bobb\'n head Turkey decoys

Are these the hard-body dekes?? If so I've hunted over one of my buddy's. Yes, the look very real, and we mistook them for real hens last year...dekes almost got shot. blush.gif The head really doesn't bob that much though. They're also very awkward to carry around. I'd go with featherflex, or delta (which I use). I've also seen those hard plastic-headed dekes at wal-mart that I'd like to check out some more.

But in all honesty, turkeys are the smartest creatures on the planet. Watch any major production and you'll see turkeys 2 feet from the fakest-looking decoy on the market, and they're strutting for it and fighting it. I'd go the cheap route....

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Re: Bobb\'n head Turkey decoys

No these are foldable, not hard body, made by Buckwing Products. They came out last year but this year Gander Mountain and Dick's Sporting goods are carring them. With Buckwing the stake has a spring on it that makes the body move and the head moves as well due to a swivel and the head being weighted in the back of it via a bolt. I thought that was classic!

I am going to stick with my Deltas!!

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