Big Time Turkey Sightings


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The wife's uncle calls me tonite to tell me he has been seeing Turkeys all over the place on the family farm as of late.... He said even today while he was putting some equipment away he had 6-7 nice Turkeys not far from him and one being a nice Tom in full strut trying to impress the ladies.... grin.gifgrin.gif

Hopefully this season, with it starting on a Monday most will be at work, while I try to get a crack at one of these birds... The reason Im hoping that most will be at work is that last season on the opener I got surrounded by morons calling to the Toms before it was even light out.... crazy.gifcrazy.gif

This year if that happens are few are going to be leaving very unhappy to say the least,,, I hate to be this way but man I would like to get a fair crack at atleast one Turkey here in Vermont... I've spent alot of time and money on new equipment so I would have a shot and I only get one day a week to hunt these birds and we can only hunt until 12:00 noon. I work six days a week so that means I only have .. 4 days to hunt before the season closes..Hope I don't sound selfish but man these guys will setup right on top of you with NO care i the world.... crazy.gifcrazy.gif

Thanks for listening to my rantings but boy Im excited about this news,, it sounds like I just might be able to get this done this season.... cool.gifsmile.gif

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Re: Big Time Turkey Sightings

Gooc luck VH! I hope you get a shot at him. I know how you feel. With one gobbler with some hens that travels between the land I hunt and the land I can't hunt, neighbors that hunt turkeys the way they hunt deer (drives) and a couple other hunters, I can only hope and pray this smart guy outsmarts all the others except for me, and survives the youth season next weekend also. I hope it all works out for you!

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Re: Big Time Turkey Sightings

im the same way...

theres about 200 acres up to ours that the land owners let logging comp. come in on, plus the owners dont care anything about wildlife they dont even know what a limit is.

we saw i big group of birds on our place there had to be at least 8-10 toms with 10-12 inch beards and only 6 hens and a couple jakes. they went right past our prop and to theres i only hope that the owners and hunters arnet as smart as those ol' toms.

so far they havnt got to them yet. I know exactly where they go and what they do im just waiting for them to make a wrong move.

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Re: Big Time Turkey Sightings

Heck no you're not being selfish Luke. It's your family's land, not the other idiots that think they need to practice their calling on the property line in the moonlight. I'd feel the same way you feel.

Here's to hoping you get your 1st bird on opening morning before the other idiots educate the birds. Sounds like you should be in the thick of things come May 1st. wink.gif

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