What pocket knife do you have?


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Re: What pocket knife do you have?

A better question for me is, what pocket knife don't I have.

Ohiobucks will attest to the fact that I am THE most absent minded person when it comes to knives.

I have 1 Gerber

2 Westerns

2 bucks (one will not be going into the field with me as it was a gift from Reloader)

And 1 Schrade.

My problem is I get the adrenaline flowing with a kill, and it can be anything from a lowly bunny to a deer, and I gut, then I lay the knife down, and leave it. I have knives spread throughout Ohio, just in case I go back hunting in that area. crazy.gifgrin.gif

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Re: What pocket knife do you have?

I have several that I carry

1. I carry a small 3" 3-blade Buck w/ wood handle on one side and mother of pearl and turquoise on the other side to my job and church and such.

2. An old Victrinox Swiss Army knife I carry when working around the house or in the woods.

3. A cheap $5 Wal-Mart special I carry when fishing and hunting and just throw away when they get dull, break, or more often that not I drop in the lake or leave lying in the grass.


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Re: What pocket knife do you have?

I have to agree with which one. I carry a Case XX most of the time but have about 20 others to choose from. I sort of collect them, I have knifes from the 60's which don't hardly see the light of day and my everyday pocket and hunting knifes. Schrade/Old timer, Queen Steel, Case, Gerber, Tree and a couple of other no names that have ducks, elk, deer and eagles on. Quite an assortment...

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Re: What pocket knife do you have?

I generaly carry 3 knives hunting, the 2 inch Winchester that is always in my pocket for utility chores, a Buck folder in a belt sheath for gutting, and a Schrade fixed balde for splitting the pelvis or any other boning I may have to do.

At last count I had 36 knives 1 Machette and 2 swords...

Of the knives I have one "Fantasy Bowie" By Frost Cutlery and the rest are serviceable.

3 fixed blade hunting and skinning knives

1 Gerber skinning/survival knife

1 Schrade

1 Buck

29 folding pocketknives ranging in size from 2 to 5 inch blades.

1 Winchester I cary all the time

2 Buck knives/ 1 with a broken tip...

1 Leatherman in my tackle box

several no name multitool knives

10 Frost pocket knives (all presents from a former roommate)

many no name pocketknives

4 BlackJack Throwing knives

3 United Throwing Daggers

The Machette is a genuine panama made machette my grandmother passed down to me. I have no clue how old it is but she had it as long as I can remember.


1 CAS/Iberia Live steel long sword

1 440 stainless steel Katana (don't know who made it...the makers mark is in Japanese script)

Maybe now Tominator knows why my sharpening stone wore out and I needed a new one!!! shocked.gifwink.giftongue.gif

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Re: What pocket knife do you have?

I use to have a nice buck knife that i carried everywhere, but I haven't seen it in a couple years. Then I started carryin an old timer, that my grandpa gave me for christmas one year, don't know where it is either now. I think the old timer is somewhere in the house, but i have no clue where. Now I'm carryin a cheap little $2.50 knife i got off ebay awhile back. Thinkin about buyin another one of the bucks, i really liked that one.

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