17hmr or 22mag


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With the current questions about the mach2 and 22 lr, got me to kind of wondering which of these two would be more practical.

For a plinker and low cost target practice, and maybe taking out occasionally to bust some varmints.

Seems the 17hmr is a bit too light for yotes after 100, how far out would the 22 mag still be effective on yotes?

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Re: 17hmr or 22mag

I would not want either for low cost plinking. That is where the .22 lr shines. It can be used effectively to 75 yards plinking.

The 22 mag and the 17 HMR are similar in performance and energy out to 150 yards. I would take a .22 rimfire and a .223 Rem as the best combination. If you reload, the 223 is about the same price to shoot as the 17 HMR, and its effective a lot farther out.

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Re: 17hmr or 22mag

Thanks AJ, was thinking along the lines of being low cost in comparison to shooting the .243 my wife and daughter are now shooting.

Something I could put a scope on that would be fun for them to shoot, but also fairly cheap to shoot for them for extra target practice, but something that also could be kind of practical.

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Re: 17hmr or 22mag

With my 22Lr savage target weight bolt action, I do a lot of plinking dirt cheap. And with the right ammo, CCI Velocitors, I can hit paintballs sitting on a 2x4 at 75 yards all day long. It will drop any small game or varmint and even coyotes if you hold out for gauranteed head shots out to 100 yards.

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  • 7 months later...

Re: 17hmr or 22mag


sorry to bring up an old post but, how big a yote can a .17hmr take? or .22wmr or .22lr

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Either one of those calibers would take any size yote you put in front of it, as long as you hit him in the right place. My uncle has shot quite a few timberwolves with a .22lr and a .22 mag. Drops them no prob, and timberwolves are a lot bigger than coyotes.

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Guest shotist

Re: 17hmr or 22mag


With the current questions about the mach2 and 22 lr, got me to kind of wondering which of these two would be more practical.

For a plinker and low cost target practice, and maybe taking out occasionally to bust some varmints.

Seems the 17hmr is a bit too light for yotes after 100, how far out would the 22 mag still be effective on yotes?

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I cannot speak from real authority for the 17hmr on yotes, but mine is one for two on fox. The one rolled over dead at 40 yards and the other at the same distance is still running. I cannot figure it out because I had a real solid sight picture and good shot execution. I know this much and that is that I will never try that again.

The 22lr is king of economy shooting, that there should be no question.

Cannot speak to the effective range of a 22WRM on coyotes because I have never shot one with that caliber. It seems to be ok on fox to 100 yds anyway as that I can vouch for. They don't normally drop dead on the spot, but they are easily recovered.

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Guest Varminter

Re: 17hmr or 22mag

No doubt the .22lr is the best for sheap plinking. I would go for the 22 mag because its decent price, it is a little too much for squirrels, but pretty good for yotes, groundhogs, and all varmints in between

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Guest splitnock

Re: 17hmr or 22mag

I give the 17hmr a very slight accuracy advatage, but as far as everything else it's the 22 mag all the way, 17 doesn't seem to have enough energy after 50 yrds or so

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Re: 17hmr or 22mag

well, i think this seems like a lot of posts i've seen regarding larger calibers... a very wise man once said "The larger the caliber, the heavier the bullets you can use." if you're looking for long range knockdown power, go with the larger caliber if the basic velocities are the same

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