Good Friday babies


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You may have seen the title and been like "what in the world is TG talking about now?" lol. Well my sister's Mini-Rex rabbit had her bunnies today. I just went out to theb arn to check on her and she had three, but sadly one was dead and the other one was partically eaten. There is one alive so I left her alone and hopefully she'll take care of it. Some female rabbits are naturally great mothers, we've had a couple, and other times some just aren't that great. It is a little saddening but it happened. It's a nice blessing from the Lord though; I don't think we've had any Good Friday or Easter Day bunnies before. wink.gif I'll put a photo up if it lives and gets some fur.

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Guest Andrea

Re: Good Friday babies

I bet it's cute!!! smile.gif

I had a pair of dwarf rabbits that had babies. I was shocked that the mother ate all of them the day after she had them. I was so mad...I got rid of her. mad.giffrown.gif

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Re: Good Friday babies

That is too bad. I don't understand why they eat them unless when they are cleaning them up, they get carried away??? Yeah I don't think we'll be breeding this girl again. It's the second time we did and the last time she ate one of them also. We'll probably get a new female and male or something.

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Re: Good Friday babies

Only rabbits we have around here are the cottontail kind.

I usually find one or two nests every year. I can remember a couple of years ago I almost hit one with the tractor, so I hopped off and picked up the one that got out of the hole. It had fur, but was small enough that it still had the white dot on its head, about 3" long. Well, I showed the kids and set it free right back in the hole. Wouldn't you know that little guy ran headlong right into the deck, shook it off and proceeded to run headlong right into the house. crazy.gif You had to hear the sound of that little noggin hitting the wood. It was funny and sad at the same time. The second time I put him in the hole, he stayed. cool.gif

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Re: Good Friday babies

Sadly, the one bunny left is dead. I went out to check on them other and the baby about 2 hours after I first found out she had the bunnies, and the one left was dead. She sat in the nest but sat right on the bunny and basically suffocated and squashed the poor little guy. It looked like it wouldh ave had some nice markings to. My sister and I are going to a lady we know tomorrow as she has a ton of rabbits, to see if we can get some new rabbits. We were going to before anyway. If we have any luck, I'll post some photos.

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