dreams do come true!!!!!!


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todya me and the 2 girls went for a hike lookign for sheds in the big bush areas were a few elk hide out, I have only found 2 small elk sheds in the past years but always wanted a big set, anyways today after abotu 3 hours, lots of tired remarks, a few bathroom breaksI hollered to the girls ot walk strait ahead and they heard me runnign through the hawthorns and underbrush, my oldest was scared was sure I seen a couger lol, what I seen was a huge set of elk sheds,I had to run fast couse I was sure they were going to take off grin.gif,when they got there there eyes were as big as mine and I just sat down shakign so bad,I told them not to touch so i could get a pic but took a while for me to settle down enough to get the camera out,I took a bunch of pics but still cannot find the disk for my digital so no pics till i get them developed,but to give a idea of how big, I rough scored them at over 340 with a 40 inch spread and I am thinkign closer to 45 would be right, I figure they are close if not more than 50 pounds and I carried them the 3 miles to the car and I am feelign it now, but it was the most rewardign walk I have ever made lol, I stopped to show a buddy and the rancher and have had 4 peopel stop by to see them so far lol, I will get pics as soon as I can get them developed, hopefully tomorrow!!

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Re: dreams do come true!!!!!!

thanks tg,I ahve no idea oce you see a shed you run for it I have found hundreds of saheds and every one still gets me as exited,but never as close to what iw as today!!right nowthey are on the floor covering the whole livingroom and wife has not said anythign yet, lol, I just want to look at them while I sooth the sore muscles tonight lol!!

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Re: dreams do come true!!!!!!

Yo Sureshot, I can't belive you didnt' wait for me!!!! :-) I saw the post and instantly thought of elk antlers! Good find!!! I am getting married to the Canuck in May, I will be up often!!! Keep me in mind! I can't wait to see the pics! Nice work my friend, nice work! I have told the stories of you taking me on the shed hunt often! It was a year ago next week. Can't wait to get up again!

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Re: dreams do come true!!!!!!

can't wait for you to come back up, it was the pasture right across the road from were we walked when you were down first day with no luck!good luck with the married thing are you havign a stag up here might be able to find some entertainment lol!!

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Guest upAcreek

Re: dreams do come true!!!!!!

Great going! One of these years I will go somewhere and hunt for elk sheds and I am sure if I ever do I will also be excited.

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Re: dreams do come true!!!!!!

That's AWESOME,Congrats!! smile.gif

I can relate to running the sheds down.In my case when I found my first true elk shed there was no running needed.It was only about 15yds. away.

I can honestly say you could hear me yell for miles though.I never got so excited over finding a shed as I did when I found that shed.Well,til I found it's mate a half hour later.

I have roughly a 4hr. drive to my elk shedding grounds.It's a wonder I didn't burn the dome light out on the trip home making sure they were still on the seat next to me. grin.gif

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