beretta es 100

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Re: beretta es 100

It depends on the scope. Nikon has a few models that will effect the price. Is it a Prostaff, Buckmaster, Monarch, Monarch Gold? There is a big difference in price. As for the gun:

Model ES100 Rifled Slug (Pintail Rifled Slug) - 12 ga., 3 in. chamber, 24 in. rifled barrel with drilled and tapped upper receiver, barrel and upper receiver are permanently joined, anti-glare matte black metal finish, choice of matte finished wood (disc. 1998) or black synthetic (new 1999) stock and forearm, includes swivels, 7 lbs. Mfg. 1998-2001, reintroduced 2003 only.

100% - $495

98% - $425

95% - $375

90% - $330

80% - $280

70% - $250

60% - $230

Last MSR was $749.

Add $148 for combo package (includes extra 28 in. smooth bore barrel with MC3 choke, mfg. 2001).

In 1999, the model nomenclature changed from Pintail Rifled Slug to ES100 Rifled Slug.

Model ES100 Pintail Slug (Vittoria) - 12 ga. only, 24 in. slug barrel, includes rifle sights and rifle choke tubes, 7 lbs. Imported 1993-95.

100% - $495

98% - $425

95% - $375

90% - $325

80% - $ 280

70% - $ 250

60% - $ 230

Last MSR was $700.

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Re: beretta es 100

thanks aj for info I ended up buyin it it is the es 100 black synthetic it came with the rifled slug barrel with iron sights along with scope and the 28 inch bird barrel . so far shoots great usin it for turkey next weekend . I paid 425 for it so did i get good deal or crooked?

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