Some sick SOB is killing Wisconsin deer hunters


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Re: Some sick SOB is killing Wisconsin deer hunter

The American sportsman's conflicts with the Hmong population was brought to my attention this past summer. When I first learned about it I could not believe it. You can read a little about what has been going on between sportsman and Hmong .


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Re: Some sick SOB is killing Wisconsin deer hunters

just remember guys it was the idiot behind the trigger not the gun that created the chaos and killing. i myself wish a lot of things and them coming over here to the usa was not one of them. i did my time in s.e. asia and they have allowed them to come here and they were squatters in s.e. asia and their way of dealing with things was with a weapon and this unfortunately is what happened to the people out there that lost their lives. i hope the man is taken out and if i had my ways i would send htem all back to the other side of the world and they could hunt in their own country. i think the families should be allowed to make the decision on how the man would executed but i am betting he will get prison time or soemone will try to say he was mentally ill. it's sad state of affairs when people don't recognise boundries and then have the gall to shoot people because they were told to leave that this was not their land to hunt.

one day we will quit bringing in people form other countries and quit giving them free gratis and make it better for us that have had to fight against them in vietnam and laos and cambodia.

will we ever lear i don't think so and this kind of thing will happen again be warned about them this will happen again

rob k

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Re: Some sick SOB is killing Wisconsin deer hunters

MattA311 I know exactly what you wrote. I understood it. I was not acting irrationally. You are making excuses for an inexcusable crime. You are telling people it is perfectly OK to kill people for calling someone names. I'm sick and tired of this attitude. I've been seeing it all over the internet but I didn't expect to see it here but I should have known. There are bleeding heart suckers everywhere.

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Re: Some sick SOB is killing Wisconsin deer hunters


I agree with several of y'ns...I think he should've tried that **** at my huntin' club... Where he'd be held at gunpoint before bein' asked to get down from the stand... Then one of our ol' Redneck boys'd probably whoop his @$$ and take his gun... Folks like this need to be tortured not imprisoned... My heart goes out to those involved with what this S.O.B. has done...Thinin' of y'ns from Alabama Couldn't be sorry enough...

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So you would have held him at gunpoint, beat him up, and taken his gun, all before he did anything threatening just because he might possibly have made a mistake and wound up on your land. There is private land that borders the public land I hunt on, I am conscious of where I hunt so I am not worried about wandering over, but if it isn't posted or there is no fence, who's to say that someone might not wander over.

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