Can you eat FEATHERS (LOL)!!!!


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Hi guys!

Went out Friday for the first time. Had three jakes then two toms at 15 yards quartering away (didn't offer good shot angles) and another gobbler at 100 yards strutting.

The strutting gobbler all of a sudden leaves. Why? Well to my left are two more toms coming in. One approaches to 20 yards, all puffed up, spittin' and drummin'. I have a perfect 20 yard broadside shot, however, I get greedy and hope for a closer shot.

That was my mistake. His buddy decides to leave and he starts to walk away. I take the slightly quartering away shot and the feathers fly all over the place. He runs off across the picked cornfield, unharmed except for a few missing feathers. I shot right over the top of him. 1/2 inch lower and I would have had his spine!!! RATS!!!!

Well, that's why I bow hunt these things ... for the challenge.

What a beautiful sight seeing all these birds come into the decoy set-up. Especially those in full strut.


Got any good recipes for turkey feather soup???

Good luck to all

the dog

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