Too many acorns?

Guest gt2003

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I planted a food plot around the 1st of October. It had been planted before but didn't get any rain and didn't grow. So, basically I replanted it early October. Its growing really well. The only problem is there are so many acorns that the deer aren't using the foodplot or feeders for that matter. Any suggestions? It seems like the bucks were with the does during muzzleloader season in Oklahoma (October 23-30). But now, nothing. I shot an antlerless deer on the 1st day of season but not sure where to hunt because of all the dang acorns. Any ideas? I expect the deer to start using the food plot in late bow season which runs through the 15th of January here. Gun Season runs for another 14 days so give me some input as to areas to hunt. I'm not finding very many rubs, very, very few (and small) scrapes. Its quite warm so that may have something to do with it. Help me out. Usually there is much more sign but not this year. Thanks, Greg

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Re: Too many acorns?

Yeah, I said warm, 50 degrees or so, warm for gun season anyway. Usually its 20-30 degrees if that so I hope I didn't mislead anyone. Water isn't a problem either. Its rained and rained this year so theres water everywhere. Anything else? My best bet is hunt where the does are hoping the bucks will follow.

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Re: Too many acorns?

Been having 15 degree above normal temps here and the deer have not been moving like they normally do this time of the year around here. Still having mosquitoes out for the gun season is not something I can ever remember, but they are vicious here right now.

Hunting an over abundance of acorns can be tough. We have had years where the deer just wander the woods feeding on acorns with no patterns whatsoever. The acorns here are about all gone now, but the deer ar still not using the plots much at all during daylight.

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Re: Too many acorns?

Thanks. I think I'll go another 50-75yds South of where I shot my deer Saturday. That should get me on top of a slight ridge where I should be able to see quite a ways. This area has been pretty much untouched (to my knowledge) all year and the deer usually move quite a bit in that area. I guess I'll have to wait until late bow season to start hunting around the food plots and feeders. Thanks for the input. Anyone else? Greg

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