Long range shooting results


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I went to my dad's for spring break and was looking forward to trying some long range (300+ yards) shooting with my 25-06. We had a 20mph cross wind with gust up to 40 and couldn't hit the side of a barn the first few days. On Thursday we decided to come in a little closer just to see what we could do. My dad has never shot anything passed 75 yards and didn't think he could, so we got a buch of milk jugs and 2 liter bottles, filled them with water, and set them up at various distances starting from 100 yards. By the end of the day he was hitting every shot on the 2 liter bottles and even picking out were on the bottle he wanted to hit at distances out to 250 yards.

That's probibly not that big of a deal to a lot of you guys, but it was pretty neat to get to see the look on my dad's face shooting out that far with 70year old eyes that had never shot anything much more than 1/4 that distance.

We didn't do much more than that, but it made for a really fun day.

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Re: Long range shooting results

Hey bud that is awesome. Me and another guy at the lease shoot at every yote we see just for long distance practice. I mean we practice on yotes out to 600 yards. Only one way to learn. Keep trying. One thing I will mention. Me and the other guy that shoot alot killed all our deer with lethal shots to the lungs/heart. Everyone on the lease missed at least one deer. I missed a doe but she was pushing 250 yards. Only miss I had.

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Re: Long range shooting results

I sighted the gun in at 2" high at 100 yards with 100gr Rem core loked. At 250 they were right on and maybe just a sminge high. With winchester 120gr Positive expanding points we actually aimed about 3 inches low to hit our spot at 250. For some reason those bullets hit a lot higher than the rems at any range.

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Re: Long range shooting results

I would like to shoot the 120gr. but Wal-Mart only carries the 100. They sell them for $13.08 a box and I just cant see spending an extra $10 to buy the 120's at the gun store down the road. My gun likes 100gr better anyways.

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