NW Indiana - NO RUT


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Re: NW Indiana - NO RUT

Hey Stinger,

Yeah I'm from the Souther part of Indiana and everytime im out hunting it's either high 50's low 60's. I brung in a buck with some rattling bleating and grunting, but I think he was curious, nothing else. I did see some bucks spar pretty hard 4 weeks ago in bowseason, but now it's warmer. November, now thats just messed up. I'm gonna put down the shotgun and hunt hard with my bow soon. Can't put my PSE Fitzgerald down.

Anyways keep it going.... Wednesday it might snow down here. So I'm hoping it'll get them moving.

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Re: NW Indiana - NO RUT

Here in Northeast Missouri the deer were moving good when I went out Nov. 7and some bucks had does they were sticking close to. Nov. 13 & 14 the bucks were running around like chickens with their heads cut off, I saw tons of bucks. Nov 20 I saw one button buck and one 8 or 10 but little movement overall. Nov. 21 I didn't see anything but my brother saw a group of 8 deer, a group of 5 and a couple individuals. One was a good 8 who had one whole side busted off his rack a couple inches above the base. Then my dad shot a good 10 but hadn't seen 4 points were busted off. I think the rut is over here.

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