Its really out of hand *Gas Prices*


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Im listening to a local radio station this morning. They are talking gas prices. Our gas took a $.10 jump this past weekend. No this morning Gas has aready taken another $.10 jump and will likely go up another $.05 by lunch!

People, this is getting rediculous. Honestly. Oil companies are showing record profits yet "There is no gouging going on." This is suppose to be the highest oil has been since the hurricane. Honestly im glad I bought my car. I couldnt afford to drive my truck right now. It was litteraly costing me close to $100 a week.

I filled up a gas can last night for my lawn mower and my tractor. It cost me $15. I couldnt believe it. I cant imagine how lawn services and such are making it. I know prices came up but its a cut throat business. Is this maddness going to end or are we going to have to continue this fiasco?

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Guest Nature_Boy

Re: Its really out of hand *Gas Prices*

I am not sure it will ever end, as long as the demand is out there for the product. They have proven in the past year that price is not an issue becuase consumption numbers continue to grow. IMHO as long as people continue to pay the high prices, the prices will continue to rise.

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Re: Its really out of hand *Gas Prices*

Fuel Surcharge.............That is the only way most transportation companies are making it. Guys my uncle works as an engineer for a major oil company. He said don't ever expect to see $2.00 per gallon again and soon it will be $3.00...............makes me sick..............It is time for me to get the motorcycle out.

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Guest Andrea

Re: Its really out of hand *Gas Prices*

We have decided to park one of our trucks and my husband is now driving his CJ-7 back and forth. My truck will be paid off next month. I've always said I would never drive a car, but at this rate......well, I may have to get a smaller truck or even a jeep. I dunno.

With summer looming......I don't doubt that prices will get over $3.50 a gal.

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Re: Its really out of hand *Gas Prices*


I am not sure it will ever end, as long as the demand is out there for the product. They have proven in the past year that price is not an issue becuase consumption numbers continue to grow. IMHO as long as people continue to pay the high prices, the prices will continue to rise.

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I agree. I've been trying to conserve as much as possible. The gas prices have definitely changed my spending and driving habits. crazy.gifsmirk.gif

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Re: Its really out of hand *Gas Prices*


seems like the government would step in and help......then again its not an election year.........

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Exactly. The bad part is, price of everything are driven up! Its not just the gas. Notice that everything is getting more expensive and will continue to increase but prices never fall again.

The oil company is really hurting the economy right now. It cost more to truck any tangable good. It cost more to harvest, manufacture, and even purchase those goods....

The really bad thing is that the oil company shows no sign of lowering prices or anything of the sort! They see all of those dollar signs and continue to raise prices! Prices increasing doesnt effect the ones pocketing the profits.....

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Re: Its really out of hand *Gas Prices*

Here is what most people don't realize. Like Unioncountyslayer just said "Time to break out the fuel surcharge". It is the consumer that is footing the bill on purchased goods. Transportation companies are still making the same amount of money. So not only are you paying higher at the pump but also you are paying for the higher cost of transporting it everytime you buy any product off the shelf.

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Re: Its really out of hand *Gas Prices*

When my uncle was telling me about the reason prices are so high.....he told me the fix is to start drlling more oil in the US. We import 60% of our oil from other nations. He said if we only imported 40% or so the price per barrell would be much lower.

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Re: Its really out of hand *Gas Prices*

The oil companies want to start drilling off the Virginia coast but the environmentalists are throwing a fit.

They are complaining about high prices along with the rest of us but don't want to give an inch.

Sure wouldn't want to lower gas prices/create more jobs/put money back into the economy and upset a fish or two.

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Re: Its really out of hand *Gas Prices*

You can blame oil companies as much as you want, but until/unless the U.S. is ready to nationalize the oil industry, it's still a supply and demand market driven largely by speculation on the instability of the current supply. If you want the speculation of future shortages removed (and the price of crude oil to drop dramatically), all you have to do is get Iran to give up it's nuclear ambitions, have Venezuela replace their idiot president Hugo Chavez with someone reasonably sane, and bring some semblance of stability to war-torn Nigeria. And while we're at it, let's throw in de-nationalizing Mexico's oil industry so it will be wide open to expand exploration and production capabilities. Add in the opening of the ANWR reserves and the huge amounts located in our offshore fields, and you're looking at $20 - $30 per barrel pricing again.

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Guest Andrea

Re: Its really out of hand *Gas Prices*

The news said it just hit $71.35 a barrel and wouldn't be surprised to see $4.00 a gal this summer.

Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. crazy.gifcrazy.gif

I've been eyeing a '96 Jaguar. It's looking better and better.

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Re: Its really out of hand *Gas Prices*

The gas station near college was $2.95 this week. I bet tomorrow it reaches $3! this gas station those is a scam because he is always at least 5-10 cents more than the others and a girl who worked there told me what he thinks: "Be the first to raise prices and the last to lower them." The entire price of gas these days is a rip-off and someone was be taking a huge advantage of this.

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Guest muleystalker

Re: Its really out of hand *Gas Prices*

accordoing to a guy I know who has a filling station he says $5.00 by mid to end of summer with it hitting close to $3.50 by end of month.if you own a motorcycle I suggest riding all the time or find people with small cars and commute to where you need to go.and as hunters lets give em a new incentive and show how these prices are affecting the economy and forgo hunting this year no tags meens not needing gas to go hunting=less sales at pump in fall=hutr on economy and oil company pocketbooks.because lets face it we go through alot of fuel during hunting season so why not save the money and treat the family to something nice for the home.

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Re: Its really out of hand *Gas Prices*

I hear ya's. It's the same way here in Canada! Gas is now over a dollar a liter, which is insane! (about $3.40/gal US) I drive an 03 Cavalier and it costs me over $40 to fill it. I drive 15 miles to work each day, 5 days a week. I started carpooling with one of my co-workers and that saves quite a bit of money. I REALLY wanted to buy a Silverado last year when I bought my car, but I thought gas prices were too high at 80 cents a liter, now they're over a dollar. I sure am glad I didn't get one now. I had to fill the parts truck up the other day at 92 cents a liter, (02 Silverado) and it was $82. It'd be dang near $100 to fill it now. crazy.gif

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Re: Its really out of hand *Gas Prices*

So why isn't anyone pushing the automakers for more efficient vehicles??? I've got to believe my GMC Sierra is capable of better than 15 mpg.

Maybe we should send some divers to the bottom of Lake Michigan to look in the trunks of sunken vehicles for those engineers who've designed the 40 mpg truck engine.

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Re: Its really out of hand *Gas Prices*

simple economics... supply and demand. there is a hugh world demand for the little supply. and, to make matters worse, the supply is in the persian gulf... not exactly our best friends. grab your wallet, and get politically active. tell your senators & congess folks to open up our drilling in the good ole usa

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