War in Iran?


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Guest Andrea

Re: War in Iran?

Any country that threatens us with nuclear capability is just inviting us over. I would wager that we will be taking care of business in Iran in the near future.

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Re: War in Iran?


Any country that threatens us with nuclear capability is just inviting us over...

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Depends on who's in the Whitehouse. If we get another appeaser like President Clinton in there, it's highly unlikely.

Another thought I've had for a long time is that we're setting up the new Iraqi government and military to take on Iran, probably with U.S. air support. Of course that's all contingent on getting the terrorism under control in Iraq first.

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Re: War in Iran?


...Another thought I've had for a long time is that we're setting up the new Iraqi government and military to take on Iran, probably with U.S. air support. Of course that's all contingent on getting the terrorism under control in Iraq first.

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You know, now that I think about it, that may be one of the reasons we're having so many problems in Iraq right now. Iran knows that as soon as Iraq is stable, the fight will move into their neighborhood, so they're doing everything they can to support the terrorists that are operating in Iraq.

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Re: War in Iran?

"Whack" them all and let God sort them out!

Dude who cares man. This administration is going to do what they want anyway. Let's go. While we are at it, let's invade Syria, Korea, Venizula or whatever that place is called...Cuba, heck let's invade Canada, China, Russia. None of those countries like us anymore anyway so who gives a crap. Be afraid, be very afraid. BTW, I wonder when the last time was that Bush bought his own gas for his vehicle confused.gif

What's my favorite saying grin.gif ....Operation Bushwacker tongue.gif

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Re: War in Iran?


"Whack" them all and let God sort them out!

Dude who cares man. This administration is going to do what they want anyway. Let's go. While we are at it, let's invade Syria, Korea, Venizula or whatever that place is called...Cuba, heck let's invade Canada, China, Russia. None of those countries like us anymore anyway so who gives a crap. Be afraid, be very afraid. BTW, I wonder when the last time was that Bush bought his own gas for his vehicle confused.gif

What's my favorite saying grin.gif ....Operation Bushwacker tongue.gif

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LOL you know whats funny Mike iis that the next administration wont invade Iran and something will happen and they will blame that on this administration for that too its how it all happens I agree we might as well go get em lol at least he gets blamed for it all ... I mean what are we gonna do not elect him next time ....

Win win..


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Re: War in Iran?

So Iran has refined uranium and proven they can harness nuclear energy. It would still take another 4 to 5 years to be able to refine uranium into weapons grade. Will we invade Iran? I doubt it, not with our military stretched as thin as it is now.

I wouldn't group Iran as a rag tag country either. You can't compare Iraq and Iran because they are entirely different cultures. Iraq is Arab and Iran is Persian. Call an Iranian an Arab and you'll have a fight on your hands. I attended a lecture a month or so ago where the topic was primarily Iran, I can pronounce the speakers name but can't remember how to spell it. Anyhoo, he is a former Army colonel who spent considerable time in the Middle East, I think his biggest claim to fame is he was on the podium with Anwar Sadat when he was assassinated. One thing we have to remember is that Iran, and the Persian culture, were light years ahead of the rest of the world as far as civilization is concerned, Iran is where much of our advanced mathematics originated, the problem is that their culture, though advanced, did not want to progress so the rest of the world passed them by. The intelligence is still there, though the resources are short.

Another thing to remember is that most of the ballyhoo that Iran's president spouts off is just that, ballyhoo. The lecturer stated that part of their "repertoire" so to speak is bombast, they talk big because people will listen, not necessarily because they will carry it out.

The most important thing is this though, their "president" if that's what you call him, is nothing more than a puppet. Even though he was "democratically" elected, the Ayatollahs are who really runs Iran. The Grand Ayatollah can dismiss the President of Iran at any time. I wouldn't worry so much about what Mahmoud Ahmedinijabobwhatever says and worry more about what the Ayatollahs say.

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Re: War in Iran?

The Bible says the Euphrates river will be the initial division between the North and the South when the nations of the world begin to align in preparation for the battle of Armageddon. It is in this last battle that the nations of the earth will fight Jesus Christ and His angels coming down from Heaven. Jesus will conquer all the armies against Him. Our Savior will then begin to directly rule the world from His throne in Jerusalem.

Keep your eyes on the middle east and keep your faith intact

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Re: War in Iran?

What's in favor for Iran is their money! They will spend as much as they need to, in order to produce weapons grade uranium. Talk is they have already set in motion to purchase/build 3000 centrifuges to make what is needed and will have it done in less than two years.

The Russians and the Chinese will make sure that IRAN will have the time to build the weapons that Iran wants & needs.

Though not too well known in this country, a man by the name of A.Q. Kahn, had been wheeling and dealing nuclear arms, plans for building nuclear arms, and the technology for nuclear weapons. He had been supplying that informatioin for 12 years, until he was stopped in 2003 by the U.S. (thru pressure on Pakistan). That man supplied Libya, Pakistan, and had plans in the works for IRAQ.

That information was presented to the Clinton administration on numerous times. Nothing was ever done to curtail Kahn's activity.

These are facts that the world now knows... it's those that we don't know about.... that's the scarry part!

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