Killed one.....YUCK!!!

Guest Andrea

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Guest Andrea

Ugh.............this morning I ran over a HUGE possum. I didn't feel the hit or feel the tires go over him. but when I looked in the rear view mirror.....he was lying still in the road. crazy.giffrown.gif

Sure, it's just a possum, but man, I hate to run over ANYTHING!!!!!!! crazy.giffrown.gifsmirk.gif

OK.............everybody laugh now. grin.gif

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Re: Killed one.....YUCK!!!

I feel the same way.

I got used to seeing this rabbit run across the highway in the mornings, in the exact same spot every morning. Even though rabbits are varmints, it was nice to see. I love wildlife.

Yesterday morning I saw the little bunny dead on the side of the road. I guess he wasn't as road smart as he appeared. frown.gif

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Guest Andrea

Re: Killed one.....YUCK!!!

Bad thing was on MY road, not far from my house. So my dog Buford will probably have the dead possum on my front porch when I get home. crazy.giftongue.gif

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Guest Andrea

Re: Killed one.....YUCK!!!


You didn't feel the hit. so are you sure he wasn't just "playing possum"?

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LOL.............that was my very FIRST thought. grin.gif

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Guest Andrea

Re: Killed one.....YUCK!!!



Possum stew with a side order of pickled owl eggs and lots of catsup... grin.gif

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Ain't enough ketchup in the world................... crazy.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Killed one.....YUCK!!!

If anyone's ever been to Presque Isle in Erie, PA, they can back me up on this:

I used to be stationed on the end of Presque Isle when I was in the Coast Guard. It was an 11 mile drive to get to the station. The speed limit was 25, and the park rangers expected you to keep it, and you also had to check in with them if you were in the park after dark. It took roughly 1/2 hour to get to the station if you did it by the law, otherwise you stood a real good chance of getting a speeding ticket.

Anyway, this one night, I was coming back from my weekend off, and it was late, like midnight, and I had to get up at 5 the next morning and stand duty. That night all the planets must have been lined up or something because I had ever animal on that park running in front of me, so it was stop for a skunk, stop for a coon, stop for a possum, stop for deer, stop for bullfrogs, etc., on and on. Now after driving 125 miles for 2 hours to get to the park it was going to take me another hour just to get to my bed, I was really getting ticked off because all I wanted to do was sleep so I told myself "the only thing I'm stopping for is deer," and that was only because it would have damaged my vehicle.

So the final 8 or 9 miles I think I hit 2 or 3 coons, a million spring peepers, a few toads, dodged 1 deer, and I think 2 or 3 possums. cool.gif

I'll never forget that night. I felt like Mad Max for about 20 minutes. grin.gif

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Re: Killed one.....YUCK!!!

I've hit a few spuce grouse, but other than that I've been lucky. I can recal a few times when I almost shmucked a few deer.

One time, I was going huntin, the fog was so thick I couldn't see 20ft in front of me. I wasn't going that fast, but as I passed my buddy's farm, 3 deer ran up out of the ditch and right across the road. I missed them all, but actually drove in between the second and 3rd on on the road.

Another time, on the way back to the city, i was passed by van. I could see the dead deer on the center of the road and was all the way to my right so he could see it, but he passed anyway. I think he missed it by about an inch....he swereved all over the road. Probably had to throw out his underwear at the next gas station. grin.gif

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Re: Killed one.....YUCK!!!

Hey, it's ok. I don't like to run anything over either but it happens. One time when my mom was driving, we were going shopping somewhere and a woodchuck came out in the road at the same times as a bird flew over and "thump, splat". Yup, my mom hit the woodchuck and the bird at the same time!!! Crazy but I guess it was their time to go,lol.

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Re: Killed one.....YUCK!!!

I've ran over just about everything that walks, crawls, slithers or flies. One of the best was an armadillo several years back. Stupid thing was loggerheading around on a bridge. It was early morning and I was heading to the lake with my boat. I straddled the 'dillo with my truck but when the boat trailer went over him the axel was too low to ground and it rolled him. He rolled down the road several feet then launced into the air like a big gray ball. I know that had to hurt, even with a shell!

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