Offensive book in school library


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There is a book in my daughters school library that is rather volgar.It discribes things only adults should be reading.Every bad word you could think of is in that book.We are going to the school board and having it removed from the school.This book is on the National Library of congress.You may want to investigate this in your childs library.My daughter is in third grade and reading this book and know I have to explane things she does not need to know at that age. The book is titled THE PROM look for your childs saftey.

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Re: Offensive book in school library

Another offended parent jumps on something and will lead to more issues in do realize that your kind of thinking is what got schools in the position they are in praying in school, can't wear clothes with ads on them for ANYTHING.....It's a book and covered as prtected free speech in the constitution. Leave it alone, and just explains to your kid that she isn't to read it.

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Re: Offensive book in school library

Would imagine there are a lot of books not only in the library at the schools, but also that other kids share with our children that might surprise us.

Thanks to another kid at school last year my 10 year old, at the time 9, got a hold of a book about changes girls go through from puberty to becoming a woman. While we had already talked with her some, that kind of didnt really help us out, as I think it kind of confused her leading to more explantation that we had to give than we were really ready to at the time.

Afraid we as parents cannot censor or completely control what our kids are exposed to away from home, we can however be proactive in trying to teach them wrong and right and hope that with what we give them that they make the right decisions.

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Guest muleystalker

Re: Offensive book in school library


I agree with VtBowhunter 100%

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yes I agree to there is to much BULL over what a person can and can't have.And with all the things that have been taken out of schools that were there when we went it's no wonder that there are less and less graduates every year.leave it alone and teach her the meening of right and wrong and don't let her read it. but don't condemn it because you don't like it.

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Re: Offensive book in school library


Another offended parent jumps on something and will lead to more issues in do realize that your kind of thinking is what got schools in the position they are in praying in school, can't wear clothes with ads on them for ANYTHING.....It's a book and covered as prtected free speech in the constitution. Leave it alone, and just explains to your kid that she isn't to read it.

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here, here! well put.

for heavens sakes...lets not start calling for the burning of books now that for the facists. crazy.gif

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Re: Offensive book in school library

You that say I am wroung have to one day explain to your 8 year old what a crack **** is or expain what sex is,in the manner that it is descibed in that book.Then if you feel the same fine .I dont think any 8 year old should be worring about those things.As for the Pledge and religion those are are givin rights,learning about sex at the age of 8 is not and I dont feel this is the same thing.

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Re: Offensive book in school library

I think the book is no more offensive than the books we had in school that talked about the occult or books like Ordinary People or Catcher In the Rye. Those books were intense and vulgar. It's probably the least amount of what she's read already and parents making a big stink about it makes it all the more appealing to the kids anyway. Just drop it and if you have taught your daughter right, she'd rather go out and play than read a book about some foul-mouthed teenager to begin with. If she does take an interest in the book or books like it then take her for a long walk and talk with her not at her about what's going on. Obviously if she has an interest with the book then she has questions about things like that. They may be as innocent as "what's a crack ****?" to "Do you and Mommy have sex?" It's all a matter of how much you are going to be there when she has these questions and than how well you answer those questions. Just take your time and don't lie to her about the answers but don't complicate them by using big words either. Just tell her what it is she asks because if you don't tell her then some lil PIMP wannabe is gonna and you don't want his answers to be the only one your daughter gets. Good luck!!

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Re: Offensive book in school library


Another offended parent jumps on something and will lead to more issues in do realize that your kind of thinking is what got schools in the position they are in praying in school, can't wear clothes with ads on them for ANYTHING.....It's a book and covered as prtected free speech in the constitution. Leave it alone, and just explains to your kid that she isn't to read it.

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So I guess it comes back to you that by you say8ing what you said that he shouldn't be allowed to voice his disapproval ... that seems odd ... kinda like .... ummmm double talk to me ... so a person according to what you just said above can only have certain rights .... as long as they dont make waves they're ok ... I have no problem with him having a problem with his kid reading that book .. I wouldnt let mine either ... and him voicing an opinion and taking it tot he sckool board would be his right ... except when it makes aves according to you... he can have freedom of speech in the book but not against it ... I think i got it figured out ... confused.gif NOT


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Guest andymansavage

Re: Offensive book in school library


Another offended parent jumps on something and will lead to more issues in do realize that your kind of thinking is what got schools in the position they are in praying in school, can't wear clothes with ads on them for ANYTHING.....It's a book and covered as prtected free speech in the constitution. Leave it alone, and just explains to your kid that she isn't to read it.

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Good point, every school should have penthouse magazines too, just tell your kid not to look, or sex offenders wandering the hallyways, just tell your kid not to talk to them.


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Re: Offensive book in school library

I got to the second page and made up my mind.

Do books like this belong in our public or secondary schools...NO, absolutely not IMO

Do books like this belong in Public libraries .. Sure, freedom of speech

I think Parents have the right to decide what should and should not be allowed in a public school library, not the board of education. School libraries are not public libraries. If they were then all printed trash everywhere would be allowed...God forbid crazy.gif

As a parent, I too am offended by such a book in schools, and as a moderator of a Family website, I think even discussing such a book, along with the link to it, belongs in an adult discussion forum, which sadly, we don't have at the moment. frown.gif

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Re: Offensive book in school library

You people do realize that there were books in schools when we were there that talked about these exact same things, but were cleverly disguised as other things.

Todd, I have a real problem with the Bible having been taken out of schools as well....this same attitude had that removed, just because someone didn't like it.

BTH, nice try at turning my words.

Buckee, you've contradicted least around here. Public school libraries are also concidered open to the public, and in some cases, local kids must go to the college library to get the books they need. Do we now remove books studied in college to prevent kids from seeing the stuff college students read and study?

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Re: Offensive book in school library


Ok, I just read it, and it seems to cover real life stuff.....why keep that from seems more like an aid in teaching them why they should stay in school.

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That is correct it does cover real stuff, however an elementary age child is not capable of handling the full spectrum of real life. This book should not be available in a elementary school.

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Re: Offensive book in school library

You guys realize your kids are hearing worse stuff than that on the playground on a daily basis dont you?And seeing worse on cable TV most any night of the week.Just wondering, hate to see a bunch of kids that arent equipped to deal with the real world when they grow up because theyve never been exposed to anything but Im afraid were gonna be turning out a bunch of them in the near future smirk.gif

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Re: Offensive book in school library

Yes, kids are subjected to the real world everyday. However as a parent it is your job to your kids to control and explain those situations. In my opinion most elementary kids are not ready to handle a book such as this. I don't allow my kids to watch TV programs without me previewing. I don't allow my kids to surf the net alone. So why shouldn't I have the option of editing what books they are subjected.

I spend a great portion of my week as a volunteer at my kids school. I have heard what can be discussed on the playground. However most elementary kids know you can't take advice from a fellow student. Most 3rd graders have to confirm that "Johnny" is correct on what color the sky is. However you put something in print and it somehow becomes gospel.

The first few pages of this book endorced skipping school. Hiding information from parents. Had sexual undertones. As the Mother of my children I have told them our views and priorty of school - my child is out of school for a week due to doctors orders and she is devestated that it has ruined her chances of perfect attendance. I have established a great line of communication with my girls. I have also discussed sex with them at a level that a 3rd and 5th grade can understand. I don't need a book sending mixed messages to my girls at this young of a age.

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Re: Offensive book in school library

My 3rd grader is not ready to hear that stuff and I wouldn't want her to read it. However, there are a lot of kids her age who see, hear and experience that stuff on a regular basis. Reading that book would in no way change thier outlook, nor would they read anything that they hadn't already heard or experienced themselves. Sad but true.

I keep an eye on what she does on the computer and watches on tv. When she comes home with a book we read it together most of the time.

This isn't Nazi Germany. Watch what your kids do and don't let them read, watch or do things you don't want them to do. JMO

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Re: Offensive book in school library


So why shouldn't I have the option of editing what books they are subjected

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You do, but what makes you qualified to make that decision for everyone?My oldest is 10 yrs old.This year the school handed out pamphlets about puberty to his class.They included everything from growing hair to , well theres no better way to say it so Ill just say it, wet dreams.There was no advance notice these things were gonna get handed out.When he brought it home we sat down down and had a good talk about what was in it, I answered all of his questions honestly as well as i could and that was that.

You sound like a good parent, active and involved in what your kids are doing.Im involved to but dont feel the need to try sheltering them from everything, and I dont need someone else deciding whats exceptable for my kids.I could have got upset, went to the school board, demanded these pamphlets were never given out again.Im sure some of you would have.They were a lot more explicit then anything I saw in that book.But I had a better idea, I thought Id decide what my kids could read and reasonably understand and let you do the same with your kids.

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Re: Offensive book in school library

We've got a couple of different factors involved here. First, we're dealing with the fact that schools are spending less and less time teaching and instead are increasingly doing the things that were traditionally done by parents. If it weren't for that, we wouldn't even be having this discussion. I don't like it, but that's not likely to change anytime soon.

So, based on the fact that schools are doing so much parenting these days, it then falls to the schools and to those who control the schools to make the right decisions about what the kids are exposed to. I also think it best to err on the side of caution when there is any doubt about the suitability of the content. In this case, I think they made an incorrect decision in placing that book in a library for that age group. If some parents object and want it removed, I don't consider that censorship, just due diligence.

And parents, keep in mind that you're setting an example for the kids when you attempt to have this book removed. There's a right and a wrong way to go about it. Try to behave like a reasonable adult when you make your case to the school board.

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Re: Offensive book in school library

I have been in contact with the school board and they told me that that book was not aproved for that age group of kids it was for high school age.They said it was an over looked book and they would correct the problem.That is all I wanted it was more then that age needed to be reading.

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Re: Offensive book in school library


You do, but what makes you qualified to make that decision for everyone?

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Exactly what I want to know.

Who's to say that you know what's best for kids and that you're doing it all right? How do I know that you're qualified to make decisions that affect MY kids or other kids outside of your own? I don't, and that's why folks should worry abou7t their own and not everyone else's........if they did this, then everyone would better off.

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