I Hate This!!!!!!!!!!!!


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It's 4:30 in the morning and I can't decide where to turkey hunt this morning crazy.gifconfused.gif

I don't know whether to go back where I got my bird on opening day or to go to Jeremie's grandma's ranch or to the local GMA/

The GMA has plenty of huntable turkeys, just has not been very good this year with our dry coditions.

The ranch also has good numbers but we haven't seen any there either.

It Was alot easier when I only had 1-2 places to hunt.

Oh and another buddy tells me he has seen a 10-12 turkeys, 3 longbeard behind his house also.

I guess I'm going to go get in the car and start driving and I'll know where I'm going when I get there.

Have a good day all that are reading this from WORK!!!! blush.gifshocked.gifsmile.giflaugh.gif

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Re: I Hate This!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think I would hunt behind your buddies house... grin.gif

Trust me those turkey's are around. They may have moved to different spot or something but there, there...

You may think about doing some run and gun...

Just an idea...

Good Luck Bud...


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Re: I Hate This!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well were back to the delema again. I went back to the ranch(Son stayed up to late, couldn't get out of bed). The turkeys were gobling again and then the suprize.

First there was a white JEEP parked at the end of the mile long pasture I was hunting in(wasn't supposed to be there). Had turkeys all around but none would come out to my setup. Then to top it all off I stand up to stretch a bit and see a red 4-door CHEVY Silverado coming toward me. I thought, man does anyone have any desentcy left. My RED car ws parked at the front of the pasture, they had to drive right by it. plus they were driving across private land which is used for grazing of over 200 head of cattle.

I think I'll go back in the morning to the place I got my bird on opening day and hopefully things will be settled down by friday on the ranch.

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