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I was reading a popular bowhunting magazine the other day and they posed a question to some well-known pro-staffers.

"What do you keep in your fanny-pack/backpack?"

One of them, don't remember who, listed a slingshot and rocks for when he hunts near bedding areas.grin.gif

Has anyone else used this method??

Because this is the first time I've heard of anyone, much less an accomplished "pro" hunter using tactics such as this.

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Re: Slingshots???

What's he do, shoot into the bedding area to roust the deer?


I have a slingshot. That would be fun to gather up some A-kerns and bean deer as they go by. That would make up for all the little bucks that I see and don't shoot. Kind of like getting them back, let out a little frustration if you know what I mean.

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Re: Slingshots???

I actually used this once, kinda. I was doing a little one man push and walking next to some stuff that was so thick you couldn't even crawl through it. I picked up some rocks and started throwing them, after the third or so one, a doe jumped up and took off followed by a nice little 7 point. He didn't know what was going on and stopped to look at me and that was all she wrote. Down he went. Not a sling shot but the same idea.

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Re: Slingshots???


I probably would never try it. I think the chances of a score like that are far less then it actually working. Most of the time you would just set them in a full run...

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Same here. Just dont think that would be an effective method for whitetails here.

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Re: Slingshots???

I guess in the right hunting terrain it might work well for the rifle hunters. Especially in treed draws, like the prairies have. One way to get the deer to stand up and look around if nothing else.

I used to always carry a slingshot, when I was shotgun hunting deer, just to plink off the odd grouse without making too much noise.

I never thought of trying to use it to flush out deer.

Now that I bow-hunt, I always carry an arrow with a judo-tip for birds, so I hung up the sling-shot. grin.gif

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Re: Slingshots???



Now that I bow-hunt, I always carry an arrow with a judo-tip for birds, so I hung up the sling-shot.

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She made alot of swift kills, but it was just time to set the weapon of destruction down eh Buck? grin.gif

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Yeah, the ol' slingshot was pretty nice really. I used to shoot SSG pellets out of it. I started with marbles, but they didn't have enough KE wink.gif I hit a coon between the eyes 3 times with marbles but didn't phase him. I think I gave him a headache though.

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Re: Slingshots???

Yeah, the coon was trying to get into my aviary, to get a quick meal off of one of my pheasants or quail.

I hit him from about 40 yrds the first time, then when he scurried up a tree, I moved in closer and pegged him every time he peaked at me from the other side of the tree.

He scrambled up to the top, and I never saw him again.

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Re: Slingshots???

i killed a spike one year, using this method. He was standing about 45 yards, looking away. I was on the ground with my bow. I picked up a small rock and chucked it over the deers head. The deer heard the rock hit the trees and then the ground, he got nervous and walked towards me, offering a 15 yard shot. Second deer I killed with a bow.


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Re: Slingshots???


BUCKEE......The ULTIMATE Kill 'em with whatever you got HUNTER. Knives, Rocks, Marbles. He's the McGyver of the hunting world. Give him a spatula, a roll of duct tape and a piece of construction paper and you'll eat like a king. LOL

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exactly what i was thinking but you forgot the 6 inches of AV cable.

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