Team-10...Griz Smokes One...


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9" beard

Left Spur - 3/4"

Right Spur - 3/4"

Me and Stick went out this morning and set up in a pecan grove. My plan was to make them think that there were several hot hens right there. We set up 3 Jakes and 3 Hen decoys. It didn't take long before the Owls woke the gobblers up. We had several birds gobbling on the roost and let me tell you they were fired up.

We had a dence fog this morning also which made it hard to see what was going on. As the day light started to rise the turkey's were just going crazy. We could hear them flying from one tree top to aother coming straight at us.

Stick and I were casting out some Yelps and Cutts when all of a sudden something caught the cornor of my eye. There were 2 turkey's standing about 100 yards off to mt right looking straight our way. I started making some Purrs and the 2 started coming in. It was a Jake and a Hen. Were they came from, we have no idea. From the ground I guess. We never heard them. Shortlyafter the 2 Turkey's came in we saw another one fly down. We couldn't see him for a good while because of the fog. There again making a few purrs on the call the bird started to comment. It was a Jake also.

Well the 3 birds milled around there for a bit and then went on there way. After that we had somewhere between 7 or 8 different birds gobbling about a 100 to 200 yards away from us. They sounded like they were coming in. But no dice. After calling to them for a good while Stick and I heard a shot go off. Well my heart just sank. The Turkey's quit gobbling and everything. We kept messing around casting calls out and every now and then one or two would sound off.

As time went on Stick says "I see a Red Head about a 100 yards or so", I couldn't see him beings I was sitting on the back side of the big tree we were at. Shortly Stick says "He's coming in" After that it didn't take the long beard to pick up his pace and started running to one of the Jake decoys. As soon as he got to the decoy he started strutting fo just bit. I put the bead on him and SMOKED HIM...

The 2 year old bird went down at 9am. this morning...

I shot the bird between 12 and 15 yards...

It was awesome...

Man! I love this Turkey Huntin'....

Good Luck To All!!!!

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