Any NY Youth Hunt Success?


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Ok.. It rained and rained and rained all weekend.

I went out for a ride on the quad on Saturday after 12:00 PM ( we have to stop at 12 ) and saw a flock of 8 birds. 6 hens and two toms. I started yelping with my voice and one tom went into half strut and then popped out. They just weren't gobbling.

We got out for two hours today, but all we saw was a hen. Jumped her off her nest accidentally. Whooops. The turkeys are on our side of the mountain though which is good.

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Re: Any NY Youth Hunt Success?

Not that I'm a youth,lol, but I went out scouting on Sunday between 10am and 12:30pm. Saw some good sign but nothing answered to the hen call but if it did, it was pouring rain so I couldn't hear. This cold front I bet shut the gobblers up. If it isn't raining tomorrow morning, I'm going to go out and see if I hear anything.

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Re: Any NY Youth Hunt Success?

We have our youth weekend coming up, and I finally get to take my oldest boy out.

TG, little advise......when scouting for birds, leave the calls at home. You don't want to be calling when you're not actually hunting. They may not answer, but they could come in and see you wondering around the woods, and then you just educated them, and your season is shot.

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