Spray foam to repair Target?


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Re: Spray foam to repair Target?

The trick is to stir it up while it's expanding. This increases the density and allows you to get enough in a foam target for it to work.

I've used Great Stuff by Dupont before, but you got to stir it to break up the bubbles while it's expanding. wink.gif

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Re: Spray foam to repair Target?


The trick is to stir it up while it's expanding. This increases the density and allows you to get enough in a foam target for it to work.

I've used Great Stuff by Dupont before, but you got to stir it to break up the bubbles while it's expanding. wink.gif

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thats the stuff i used and thats what i did while i was putting it in....i shot at it from 10 yards right into the worse spot on the target and it didn't go through..i waited about an hour and a half before i did that... grin.gif

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Re: Spray foam to repair Target?

I've used the Great Stuff brand and it worked real good for me. The red can is more dense than the blue can. I usually try to find a hole that I can get the long nozzle all the way to the middle of the target and fill until it starts to push out. Then I do that to every hole I can find. For me the repairs lasted pretty well. Your target will look like crap but who cares. Actually if you do care just use a knife to trim off the excess that squeezed out and find some spray paint that is the same color as your target.

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Re: Spray foam to repair Target?

It will work but... the density is not the same and if you get it thick enough your arrows will be nearly impossible to pull out. The friction caused by your carbon arrow melts the foam and when you try to pull it... It wont come out. But all is not lost Lancasters archery supply sell repair kits, which is two part mixable material that you can pour into the holes and it expands Another plus is it's dark brown so it doesn't look quite as bad either. We repair our targets on our range with this stuff. It's not cheap but one repair kit is less than a replacement insert and you can repair it about 8 to 10 times with this stuff.

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