Anyone Use Renzo Deer Decoys?


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Howdy from the UP of Michigan!

Picked up a Renzo "feeding doe" decoy and wondering if anyone out there has any experience with it. Do you use scents with the decoy? Do you set it up facing your position? Use it with bow and rifle? Pre rut or during peak rut? Any successes to report?

Thanks in advance for your input, and good luck in da woods!

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Re: Anyone Use Renzo Deer Decoys?

i have been wondering the same thing lately..i have no experience with them but i can tell you that you will get alot of helpful answers in here the way...what part of the U.P. are you in? We hunt in Stephenson and i have a buddy that i visit often just north of there in Gladstone

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Re: Anyone Use Renzo Deer Decoys?

there was a thread about decoys in here last week about decoys.

I had a little story about my new Renzos from last year in there


I'm looking forward to using them again next year. I think the one thing you should keep in mind when using decoys, is not to use them all the time. The deer just get too wise to them.

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Re: Anyone Use Renzo Deer Decoys?

Here's a letter I sent to the Owner of Renzo's Decoys after using the Decoys this last fall hunting with my Father:

My Father took an 8 Point Buck (211 lbs dressed out) and made a great shot @ close to 250 yds, he waited for what he said was 7-8 minutes until the buck turned broadside, and made the shot at 8:30AM.

I had set out 2 feeding doe decoys in front of him at about 75 yds with the white plastic handles from grocery bags tied on for tails that where moving in the breeze.

He said the buck came out saw the decoys, at 175yds away, and started walking towards them and in my fathers direction while looking to each side, feeding, and doing more looking with almost each step.

I was down in the woods tracking my first doe that I had shot at 7:15AM, after a parade of deer that had gone by me earlier, when I heard him shoot.

I had a setup of 3 feeding doe decoys out in front of me and grunted as the group that my doe was in came out of the woods, they saw the decoys and started walking towards them, I took a shot as the big doe(173 lbs dressed out) turned broadside looking at my bedded Doe Decoy!

So I start heading around towards where my dad is to find him being helped out by another hunter pulling the game cart. I could not see the game cart yet so I moved closer after he said he finally got a good one... I could not be happier for him!!!

High Winds and Weird Weather changes kept deer movement down to a minimum but while doing small pushes towards each other after 9-10 in the morning we did see alot of deer but passed on shots on small bucks.

We would sit in stand sites during the early morning and then do small pushes afterwards to get the deer up. I found deer beds that where completely dry during rain and snow while pushing towards my Dad through the brush so the method got them moving anyways.

I got my second doe(156 lbs dressed out) on Friday and was lucky enough to capture the hunt on video

I had just made a move to a more open spot to get better video and 10 minutes later the deer showed up!

We used the Renzo's Decoys on all of our hunts and found that when the deer saw them they calmed down, sometimes even from running, and even turned and started walking towards them!

Dad said: "Bring them Decoy things again next year"...LOL...No Wonder Why!!!

11/21/05 – 11/25/05

Renzo’s Decoys got my Father(Joe Smith) the best Buck of his lifetime @ 73 Years Old…His First time ever using a Deer Decoy of any kind!!!



Personally myself I've got 3 decoys that I use on a regular basis...2 feeding doe decoys and 1 upright buck.

I have the horns cut off the buck so I can attach them or leave them off to make it an upright doe. Most of the time I use the upright buck or upright doe in a bedded position. Sometimes I use the upright doe and a feeding doe made into a buck with one added antler horn behind her to simulate a doe with a buck trailing.

One thing thats added alot of success for me is to have the 3 decoys setup so that they are almost in a triangle...Incoming deer will always be able to see them that way.

I've also have taken one horn and placed it on a feeding doe and the other horn on another feeding doe and placed them facing together close and that setup is for using Rattling Horn's.

I use shortened "Real" deer tails that have been stored in ziploc bags with doe estrus scent wafers. I have cable-ties that I attach them to the decoys with.

I use them during both archery and rifle seasons.

During rifle season I like to use them mostly on private property and either have the decoys facing me or facing directly away from me for safety.

When you first start using the decoys be very careful you dont shoot them....Face Doe away from you at about 30-40 yards and if you use the buck decoys face them towards you at the same distance.

Check the back of the packaging for detailed setup instructions or go to Renzo's Decoys Website and do not be afraid to try different setups their a great tool and the results make the top of your vehicle look great too...LOL


LOL...and their easy to store after use grin.gif


So to answer your question...Yes...I've used them before and surely will often as possible smile.gif

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Re: Anyone Use Renzo Deer Decoys?

Grrrrrr that should of been my buck Gary. LOL

That'll learn me to back out of an out of state hunt with you...

I know I will be buying 1 or 2 this summer for sure. (from GW)

I love using deeks in any hunting but deer deeks are always a pain to carry and deal with in general.

These look easy and real...


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Re: Anyone Use Renzo Deer Decoys?

GW - Thanks for the info. I'm definitely going to be trying the decoy out this fall. The smile on your Dad's face says it all!

MBH SQ2 - I bowhunt near my home in southern Marquette County (Gwinn area), but Deer Camp is in the big snow country of Houghton County. Check out my buck of a lifetime I took during 04 rifle season in my pictures.

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Re: Anyone Use Renzo Deer Decoys?

You can also add movement, using the wind if there is any, to your decoy by leaving off the clip that would go on the neck joint or using just one of the metal rods in the middle of the decoy.

Also by tying the handles of white plastic grocery bags to the tail section.

Poking a hole where the tip of the ear is and inserting

the stem of a small brown leaf on each side.

I'm even going to try tying some monofilament fishing line to the nose of a decoy, that is set in the ground with only one metal rod, so I can change its position during the hunt without getting down from the treestand.

Also going to try a similar thing this year with the fishing line as well while using a rattle bag with the two feeding does(with one antler on each head) with their heads side by side.

Also going to try tying some of that line to a small tree and have a feeding doe(with one antler on its head) act like its making a rub by making the tree move.

I recently heard one of the Wensel Brothers say something that made perfect sense to me when I was watching their DVD "Primal Dreams-Brothers of the Bow":

"Boredom is an un-imaginitive state of mind"

Yooper, Those are reflective wraps made from the same material that is used on police vehicles. A friend of mine makes them cool.gif

Contact me through PM and I'll get you the contact info if your interested wink.gif

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Re: Anyone Use Renzo Deer Decoys?

This seasons versions of these dekes will include a wind activated tail as well as a redesigned, and larger buck. They should be avail in the late summer. As far as using scent with them, yess. The deke has a die cut to hold a 35mm film canister that you would place a cotton bal and scent in. For reasons of safety you may want to refrain from using any decoy during rifle season. A bedded doe, A customized buck) with a standing buck is a great setup for the rut. You'll want to keep a doe decoy angled away from you to keep an aproaching bucks eyes pointed away. With the buck decoy, it's just the opposite. Point the buck at you. A real buck will aproach an intruder from the front, again keeping the deers eyes off you.

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Re: Anyone Use Renzo Deer Decoys?


Welcome yooper to the forums cool.gif I luv another

Michigander in here smirk.gif


[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks everyone for the tips and the welcome. I've been reading threads here for quite a while but thought I'd throw my 2 cents in from time to time.

It's interesting to hear viewpoints about hunting and the outdoors from other parts of USA and Canada instead of just "your neck of the woods". Funny how game laws vary from place to place, affecting things like minimum ages to use firearms or hunting methods like baiting or using dogs. Also different weather - up here we're alot like Canada in that we expect to have snow for deer hunting and it's critical to dress for the cold in order to hunt longer without freezing. Have to chuckle when someone from Indiana or Kentucky comments about "how cold it was out hunting" - it's all relative and each area has its own pros and cons.

It's just assuring to know that love of the outdoors and hunting is alive and well among the good folks around this land even as much of our culture continues to be influenced by forces that further distances people from nature.

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