Hey Church Goers....


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Just out of curiousity. What denomination are you and why?

I started out as a Southern Baptist. I was raised SB. I attended southern Baptist churches until I was roughly 20 (dad's a preacher, grandpa is a preacher, my great grandad was a preacher, it goes on like that for a very, very long while).

A few years back my wife and I started attending a Pentecostal church. It changed everything for me. I have never felt so connected to any church in my life. I could spill out a testimony pages long! Its totally changed my life.

Dont get me wrong, I admire many Baptist (Adrian Rogers is a prime example). This is just God/ Christ on another level. Because I was brought up Baptist I lived the majority of my life that way. Now that im under a little different teaching Ill never look back.

So what denomination are you and how did you choose?

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Guest andymansavage

Re: Hey Church Goers....

LDS (mormon) .....Born and raised, but during my 2 years as a volunteer full-time missionary in central america I found out for myself.


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Re: Hey Church Goers....

Southern Baptist- I grew up in a cult that taught the bible had mistakes and you couldn't believe all of it. When I was in college I had the revilation that I must either believe all of the bible or none of it.

After some extensive study and heated debates with my Christain girlfriend and other Christian friends I accepted Christ as my personal savior.

I started studying the doctorines and practices of different Christain denominations including, Catholic, methodist, church of Christ, Southern, Missionary, and Freewill Baptist, Lutherin, apiscapal, UPC, penticostal and Assemblies of God.

While I don't agree 100% with the Southern Baptist doctorine, they were the closest to what I believe is correct interpretation and they also seem to actually live and believe more of what they preach than many of the denominations.

Side note- I have met very few people of any denomination, including my own, that could tell you what their denomination believes and even less could tell you why.

Know what you believel But more importantly why you believe it. If don't know why you believe something, do you really believe it?

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Re: Hey Church Goers....

Born and baptized Catholic, but didn't go to church when i was younger...

Early 20's, I started going to a non-denominational church that I loved at first, but ended up freaking me out...

Last year, i started going to a Lutheran (WELS-Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod) church and really enjoyed that church...

Now, I'm a man without a country or so to speak...lol. So, I guess I'm not really a church-goer at the moment.

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