Monster Bucks 14.


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I've been a faithful fan of the Monster Bucks series for quite some time. Pre-ordered MB14 and Roadtrips #3. I can only say that I am disappointed that there is no archery tourney in MB14. It's become "just another hunting show". I used to enjoy the set up to some of the hunts and the ribbing back and forth those guys gave each other. I know everyone didn't like it but that's what set the MB series apart from the other vids. Sorry just had to rant.

Anyway, the Best of Season 3 of Realtree Roadtrips is Awesome.

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Re: Monster Bucks 14.


I havent seen it yet, how did Ginger Moreheads kansas hunt look, that was on my land!!!!


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Simply amazing is all I can say. What an awesome buck. She's a dang good shot too. Congradulations on your contribution to the best videos on the market. As far as the overall rating on the videos, I'd have to say it's right around the level of their early MB videos. I liked the tournaments and talking in between. It just looks like it was rushed and slapped together. No commentary in between every few hunts at all, no archery shoot and no humor. I was really disappointed in the way it is presented and I guess I'll have to look forward to the PrimeTime, The Truth and Dream Season videos. Too much here's a deer. Here's our dead deer. I would rather see fewer hunts that are all quality than I would seeing more hunts with no personality. It's a no frill purchase. Hopefully they will try harder next season. JMHO

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Re: Monster Bucks 14.

I agree, I got the dvd's today and was not impressed with the overall presentation. Two times hunts were listed in the wrong state, the archery tourney is gone, and the camera work is sub par on a lot of the hunts. I know that there is a lot of work that goes into the editing and authoring process, I do that and photography for a living, but I can put this quality together on my laptop at home.

I am not knocking the guys or the video, but I dont feel its the best product or what we have all come to expect from Monster Bucks.

On a side note, I got goosebumps today when Ginger Morehead said my name on the video, SO COOL!!!!!


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Re: Monster Bucks 14.

I haven't seen them yet but I know over the last several years Scott has posted threads asking what we would like to see differently. Seems there were more and more comments each year about dropping the tourny. so I don't think it was an issue with being too busy, I think they ended up listening to the consumers that were asking to get rid of it.

I don't know for sure, just my opinion.

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Re: Monster Bucks 14.


Best videos on the market . You must be kidding me . By far the best videos are from PRIMOS and Knight and Hale . Realtree has good can hunting thats about it .

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"good can hunting"

You may wish to choose your words wisely as that statement will cause a war on here!

Remember what mom use to say, if you can't say anything nice...............don't say anything at all!

I think Realtree does a good job on their videos as does Primos, Knight & Hale, HS Strut, etc. Filming hunts is probably really hard to do, you might have the shot but the camera might not, not to mention low light conditions when normally the big bucks come out and about!!

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Re: Monster Bucks 14.

How bout that TBONE? I didn't even recognize him until he spoke. That man has lost some weight!

A person has to keep perspective. If there is 200 or even 2000 negative posts about the archery tourneyment, they sell what, a couple hundred thousand DVDs? The silent majority sometimes loses because of our silence.

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Guest johndeer44

Re: Monster Bucks 14.

how about the monster that Jessie Mooreheadot? man that thing was a pig. Tyler killed a biggun too. That was awesome that he got the same buck he missed last year.

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Re: Monster Bucks 14.

Well they came in last night and I watched Vol 1 so far. My take on them is they are very good. It is all hunting with none of the filler stuff like the archery tourny or any of the behind the scenes stuff that goes on back in the camp. I would really like to see the tourney and the behind the scenes stuff back next year. But all and all the hunts are great and I can't wait till Sept to get back out there.

And of coarse Tiffany is in them!

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