I am in PAIN!!!!!!


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Well stupid OLD me went to play in a hockey tourny yesterday....in the last game I BLEW out my knee....and again STUPID me would not take myself out of the game...it was the b final...lol any way this happened with about 3 min to go....and guess what....It went to a shoot out....not a bad thing if you are a player but I am a goaltender....anyway bad knee and all I stopped 2 out of 3 shooters and we WON!!!!.....my prize is a MRI to see what I have busted up in my knee......

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Re: I am in PAIN!!!!!!

Sorry to hear about your knee!

I am recovering from surgery on March 14th for a torn cartalidge in my left knee. More therapy is on the way. My knee is a lot better since surgery as far as pain is concerned.

This is the first surgery on that leg. On my other leg, I have had 25 operations, so I know what you are going through!

Good luck and congratulations on wining the game.

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Re: I am in PAIN!!!!!!

well thing are not good today....had a night of pain and when I was at the hospital yesterday the Doc's were saying there is not alot of swelling so you should be ok.....TODAY my knee is PUFFED right up....I hope I did not blow my ACL.

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Re: I am in PAIN!!!!!!

Congrats on the win and way to hang in there but sorry baout the injury! Did you hear any pops or anything when you injured the knee? I would recommend getting that knee checked out again, maybe by a sports med. doctor or an orthopedic just to make sure it isn't an ACL tear or something. How did you injury anyway, like mechanism? I might be able to give you the possiblities of what you injured. I'm no professional, yet,lol, but I've learned alot in my athletic training classes. I hope it's feeling better by now.

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Re: I am in PAIN!!!!!!


well here I am 3 days after....still alot of swelling....and alot of pain...I go back to see the doc on monday morning.


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DANG Muff I hate to tell you this, but your knee is swollen...

Man bud I can fill your pain. I have bad knees and they give me fits all the time...

Hope you get better soon...

Oh and Congrats to ya on the win.. smile.gif

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