What a Morning!!


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Headed out this A'M about 20 F with a howling wind and snow flurries was dressed to stillhunt so was a bit cold. Decided to cross this little creek and hole up on the downwind side of a brushpile-when I went to jump the running part I went through the ice up to my knees-just soaked my squaw moccasins-so I'm sitting on this brushpile wringing my socks out when this doe and fawn come barreling across this field and cross about 10 feet from me. The doe holds up and stops no more than 5 yards away-has a pee-scratches her nose with a back foot and decides to wait for her boyfriend-here I am with wet hands one sock on and I can't move because I know her buck buddy is not far behind-well I see him coming but some road warriors spot him too and head down north edge of field to cut him off. I sit tight and he's headed right to me except he stops to stare at truck with his lungs pretty much inline with my head. The truck hits the brakes-I jump up and do the one foot hopand wave so the idiots don't shoot. The doe and buck kinda stare a few seconds than he passes to the north of me at about 15 yards just outside my property. GOD I HATE ROAD HUNTERS!!!!!! They cruised up to the fence to chat but I was wayyyyyyyy to steamed to visit with a bunch of lazy slobs. P.S. my feet did kinda warm up on the 11/2 miles back to my truck.

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Re: What a Morning!!

It's soo frustrating for me cause they own the land next to me but are just the most clueless hunters you canb imagine. They were out there again tonight driving down my fenceline-it just totally screws up the deer movement. I could care less if they shoot one of those big bucks but I get sick of my hunting getting interrupted by them. They've hunted that land for years and still haven't figurted things out yet. I see at least a dozen good bucks out there every fall but not one dumb enough for them to drive up too.

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