OK INS - The Illegals Are Lining Up For You


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Re: OK INS - The Illegals Are Lining Up For You

Quoted from the article...


"This is going to be really big. We're going to have millions of people," said Juan Jose Gutierrez, director of the Latino Movement USA. "We are not concerned at all. We believe it's possible for Congress to get the message that the time to act is now."

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They should get the ideat to act al right...act to get thes imposibly large number of "criminals" out of our country.

While I admit the vast majority of illegal imigrants are not commiting what most people look at as crimes..they are all criminals based on the simple fact that they have violated the laws of this country upon entering it illegaly. Criminals have no rights beyond that of a fair trial.

Deport them, Beef up border security, and THEN AND ONLY THEN, increase the number of visas for migrant workers and other roles the illegal imigrants currently fill.

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Re: OK INS - The Illegals Are Lining Up For You

Okay, Im all for empathy and all that, but to be asking for rights in a country which you never entered legally? Come on. You probably dont pay taxes either. They are probably just trying to get their cousins across now anyways. I feel sorry for the LEGAL immigrants who end up clumped in with them.

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Re: OK INS - The Illegals Are Lining Up For You


In California on Thursday, the state senate passed a resolution recognizing "The Great American Boycott of 2006," saying it would educate the United States about the contributions made by immigrants. The measure passed 24-13 along party lines with dissenting Republicans arguing that it sanctioned lawbreaking and encouraged children to skip school.

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Someone want to explain to me why this was even in front of the state senate to start with and how it passed ??Seriously, if a bunch of Mexicans think it will help thier cause to march more power to em, but passing a resolution allowing for kids to skip school and people to leave work without reprocussions is going a little far IMO crazy.gif

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Re: OK INS - The Illegals Are Lining Up For You

Got to agree, would be a great opportunity for a roundup. Send back as many as they can.


I saw on the O' reilly Factor where they are singing our National Anthem in spanish and to top that off they have changed several of the words in it, which none of it was in the original song.

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This was on the news tonight. President Bush put in his thoughts about the National Anthem and said it should always remain sung in its original english versiona nd went on to say that these people coming into this country need to learn the english language.

Also been hearing on the local news that TN is trying to stop or has stopped drivers tests from being done in spanish here, which would stop those non english speaking foreigners from getting their drrivers license here.

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Re: OK INS - The Illegals Are Lining Up For You

I also saw on the Factor that the illegal immigrants or the illegal aliens do not want to be called this anymore. And if people keep this up then they will start pressing charges. They say that it hurts their feelings. In other words the black american has been using the race card for all these years to get what they want and now the illegals will start using their card to get the same things that the black americans have got. If this is allowed to happen then the end of this great country is just around the corner.

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Re: OK INS - The Illegals Are Lining Up For You


I also saw on the Factor that the illegal immigrants or the illegal aliens do not want to be called this anymore. And if people keep this up then they will start pressing charges. They say that it hurts their feelings. In other words the black american has been using the race card for all these years to get what they want and now the illegals will start using their card to get the same things that the black americans have got. If this is allowed to happen then the end of this great country is just around the corner.

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Comparing illegal imigrants to the freedom and the rights of blacks who were brought here by force, is just not right. The two don't belong in the same sentence together. IMO

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Re: OK INS - The Illegals Are Lining Up For You



I also saw on the Factor that the illegal immigrants or the illegal aliens do not want to be called this anymore. And if people keep this up then they will start pressing charges. They say that it hurts their feelings. In other words the black american has been using the race card for all these years to get what they want and now the illegals will start using their card to get the same things that the black americans have got. If this is allowed to happen then the end of this great country is just around the corner.

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Comparing illegal imigrants to the freedom and the rights of blacks who were brought here by force, is just not right. The two don't belong in the same sentence together. IMO

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True in a way Steve, but there are similarities when you look at how these people are wanting to be treated, and seems the latinos are learning that if they whine enough like how has been done by the other "minority" in this country that they will eventually get their way. It is way beyond time to let it go, I dont think anyone any longer owes anyone anything for how their ancestors were treated. I honestly have to say that I am sick of hearing what our people did to our people, my people were not even here when slaves were brought over. This country is better than where they came from for both. These "minorities" need to quit having EXPECTATIONS and do what all other Americans have to do. Help support the country by paying taxes, learn english, get off welfare, if you cannot afford to have a baby dont expect the government to give you extra money and food as an incentive to have kids popping out everywhere. Too many are offended and are demanding to change how this great country has been for over a hundred years(and this is not only in races, but also with religion), but if they are offended they just like anyone else are free to go to where ever the heck they think they will have it better.

Racial tension in this country is getting worse. Allowing this type of thing to continue is in my opinion going to eventually lead to the end of this great country.

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Re: OK INS - The Illegals Are Lining Up For You

I got this email the other day and since it pertains to this very subject, I thought I'd pass it along to you. wink.gif

Make the First of May Shopping Day!

Illegal immigrants are planning a nationwide boycott of all goods and services on Monday, May 1st. They have marched in our streets and demanded rights as a reward for breaking our country's law. They hope to show that they have an impact on our economy, they hope to hurt American business, they hope to emotionally and economically blackmail us into submission.

So what can we do?

All Americans who support LEGAL immigration but demand that all immigrants RESPECT our law are asked to act on May 1st.

Wear RED or BLUE that day and go SHOPPING.

(They will be wearing white),

and go SHOPPING.

If you have to grocery shop, make it May 1st. Need gas in your car?

Fill it up May 1st. Buy Mother's Day gifts, buy summer clothes, buy whatever you need, but


American citizens outnumber illegal immigrants, and we MUST make ourselves heard. Wear red or blue to show your pride in your country, and your opposition to weak border and amnesty legislation. And GO SHOPPING! Let's make May 1st a day to remember, and remind Congress that the illegal immigrants they cower before can't vote. We can. And we will.

Make the First of May Shopping Day!


Forward this to everyone on your email list, at work, at school, your friends, your family.

We CAN make ourselves heard.

We CAN remind the politicians that WE are the ones that put them in office, and that it's OUR tax dollars they're squandering.

Pass the word along and make your voice heard!

Sounds like a great idea to me. I'll be wearing blue. grin.gif

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Re: OK INS - The Illegals Are Lining Up For You



I also saw on the Factor that the illegal immigrants or the illegal aliens do not want to be called this anymore. And if people keep this up then they will start pressing charges. They say that it hurts their feelings. In other words the black american has been using the race card for all these years to get what they want and now the illegals will start using their card to get the same things that the black americans have got. If this is allowed to happen then the end of this great country is just around the corner.

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Comparing illegal imigrants to the freedom and the rights of blacks who were brought here by force, is just not right. The two don't belong in the same sentence together. IMO

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No offense Buckee but what do you mean "here"? I didn't know Blacks were taken to B.C. . If you are talking about here in the United States then I will speak for "here" and say that it wasn't the white man that captured rival tribes in Africa and brought them to the trading ships. That can be blamed on their own people because one tribe wanted to get rid of another. The hardships didn't begin until the slaves were purchased in America and brought to the plantations and farms. Some though were treated rather well and like family. Of course that doesn't make for a very money building point of view for the NAACP or Jesse or A Sharpton. I am tired of defending my views since other minorities are allowed to say what they want and are no longer censored by anyone. I ain't racist but I don't ignore that the majority of minorities feel like I did them wrong because of my color. If you break the law then you should pony up and take the punishment. People that want everything their way are like spoiled children that need a good butt whoopin. It's the only way we are going to get the point across. If we could get the majoritie's voice out and heard then stopping this problem would not be a challenge at all.

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