Did a little surgery...


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on myself today. I absolutely hate going to the doctors office--I mean REALLY hate. So anyway I've had this darn ingrown toenail that has been bothering me for 2 months. My wife has been trying to get my to go to a foot doctor but I just refused. So today I broke out a surgery pack and went to work on my toe.

First I gave my toe an injection of lidocaine to numb the toe. After the local anesthetic started working well I use a scalpel blade to cut the skin off the side of my nail. I then used a small pair of sharp scissors and cut the side of my toenail from the top of the nail all the way down to the nail bed.

So right now my toe is absolutely throbbing but no more ingrown nail smile.gif.

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Re: Did a little surgery...

You remind me of a guy that I used to hunt with! He pulled all of his toe nails off, so he wouldn't get ingrown toe nails! I believe that guy is as dumb as mud!

On second thought, you DOGDOC's might not be far behind! JK!!

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Re: Did a little surgery...

Sounds painful buddy....I have done the same to myself....I think when I hit my finger today with the hammer...that took all the toe pain away for the week....my finger is still throbbing, and that happened hours ago...lol...keep it clean Doc, lots of peroxide.......then ole neosporin...but your a vet, you know that...lol.........al

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Re: Did a little surgery...

That must have been a bad toe! I try soaking them in epsom salts, usually takes care of 90% of them. Past that, I go to the doc for antibiotics.


I hit my finger today with the hammer...that took all the toe pain away for the week....my finger is still throbbing

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Take a little drill bit between your thumb and forefinger and drill a little hole near the cuticle. Sounds gross, but it's painless and relieves all that pressure behind the nail.

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Re: Did a little surgery...

I know a guy that gets ingrown nails all the time. He just sits down and picks it with a pocket knife and pulls at it with a pair of needle nose. He was making fun of his lttle sister a while back because she had one and went to the hospital to have it removed and then she kept her foot wrapped up for a week and acted like it killed her to walk.

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Re: Did a little surgery...


You're either nuts in the head, or one real brave person Todd..... crazy.gifcrazy.gif

There isn't NO way I would do something like that to myself,, NOPE NO WAY !!.....

Hope the toe feels better soon... wink.gif

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Yep! Took the words right out of my mouth...NO WAY!!! crazy.gif

When it comes to doctors and such I'm a big chickhen... grin.gif

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Re: Did a little surgery...

I geuss the memory of having your Father-in-Law do your vasectomy is still too vivid for you to trust other Doctors ROTFLMAO.gifROTFLMAO.gifROTFLMAO.gif

BTW...The rest of us ussually just pry those up with sanitized tweezers and rip them off...Without Using Lidocaine while balancing on one foot so the Sanguinous drainage goes down the sink grin.gif

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Re: Did a little surgery...

I usually take care of my own but i dont wait anywhere near that long. The first time i notice it hurting, i sit down and just cut as far back along the side as i can with a pair of normal clippers and then tear the rest of it out. It really doesnt hurt that bad if you get it soon b/c it doesnt get all that sore or very deep.

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Re: Did a little surgery...

Been there, done that too todd but without the lidocaine. I have to do the old grin and bear the pain method but it's not that bad after the 1st 10 seconds of holding your breath. I just can't see wasting that much time waiting in a doctors office for something that I can do myself too.

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Re: Did a little surgery...

todd, you are insane crazy.gif thats pretty funny about the vas tho!! aight all ya'll ingrown toenail having jokers listen up. cut a V right in the middle of your toenail, and as the nail grows out it will try to close the gap, thus pulling the nail from the outside in. it takes several times before you get it deep enough, cut to the quick each time. BG12

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Re: Did a little surgery...


You're either nuts in the head, or one real brave person Todd..... crazy.gifcrazy.gif

There isn't NO way I would do something like that to myself,, NOPE NO WAY !!.....

Hope the toe feels better soon... wink.gif

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LOL, would operate on my own toe before I would let my father in law give me a vasectomy though blush.gifgrin.gif.

Hope the toe gets feeling better Todd, had to have an ingrown toe nail cut out on my big toe when I was 17, it was pretty uncomfortable.

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