sunday hunting in PA

Guest PAdeerdreamer

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Guest PAdeerdreamer

Hello everyone , This is my first time on this forum. I was just wondering if anyone has herd anything about PA starting sunday hunting.One week its all over the place then it just disappers.All I can find is the youth mentor program.WHAT ABOUT SUNDAY HUNTING!Between the deer program and raising lic. fees the youth program is a wonderful thing.But NY has sunday hunting and NJ you can harvest more deer them you can ever eat in a year even if you through BBQ fri.-sat.-sun.for 52 weeks.The time people have is very limited and sunday is one entire day wasted in PA.Sorry for rambleing but I spent all week after work looking for any info.

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Guest PAdeerdreamer

Re: sunday hunting in PA

I realize the topic is very hard.You are either for or against.It's just you hear so much about it in january then the commish meets and you never hear of it again.Then you contact the game officials for comment and they blame the farmers or sportsmen alli.Then you talk to one of them and they are yet to find anyone against it.So who is the opponent.I realize that it's politics.But come on.If your going to complain about the hunter numbers going down then do something about it instead of trying to issue doe tags.

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Re: sunday hunting in PA


Never been a law against Sunday hunting down here. As far as I'm concerned, if it's legal to go fishing on Sunday (legal in PA) then why discriminate against hunters?

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I will agree with that comment, good point. I can understand where both sides are coming from but being someone who works all through the week it sure would be nice to get that extra day in the woods. Most states allow this, i dont see why PA doesnt. If you dont want to hunt on sundays then dont but if you do, then there another opportunity.

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Re: sunday hunting in PA

Well i'm from Penna...and i'm all for it....i hav'nt heard anything on it.....and i get all the new flashes from the all we can do is wait...and hope!!!

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