Mr. Sluggo goes to Washington.


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I know I didn't say anything about it but my Congress and the Presidency class took a trip to D.C. last last week for a couple days. Myself and another classmate initiated the trip about halfway through the semester so that's why we went so late. Just thought I would share some pics of the trip.

You guys had to know I would stop here. I even got an autographed pic of him, as well as John McCain when I stopped by his office. I will say one thing about Kerry, he is an egomaniac, he had pics of himself all over the walls, him and Teddy Kennedy.




Some of my classmates in front of the House Majority Leaders office, (John Boehner) formerly Tom DeLays office. You should have seen the look of horror on a staffers face when we walked in, one of the guys was actually videoing inside the office. She was freaked out, but nice to say the least.


The Apotheosus of Washington inside the Capitol dome. Magnificent!!


He was there. I watched his helicopter land the night before.


This is what it's all about. The Bill of Rights!!!


Group on the nighttime monument tour trolley. Dr. Purvis, Josh, Rodney, and Ashley.


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Re: Mr. Sluggo goes to Washington.



Hey Sluggo, you should of told me you were going there. I would of paid you a dollar to see how close you could get to the White House cutting through the grass tongue.gifgrin.gif

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LOL... any bets he wouldn't have broken through the first hedge row.... grin.gif

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You know, it's been about 15 years since I have been to D.C. and actually toured, went to buildings and sightsee. My how things have changed. I find it hard to believe that anyone has been able to get over the fence and onto the lawn of the White House, that place is fortified to no end. The last time I was there and saw the White House was right before Clinton's 2nd Inaugural and they had already closed Penn. Avenue, now, the road on the other side is blocked with barricades and uniformed Secret Service patrolling on foot and motorcycle, I wasn't exactly sure I could get as close as I did until I got up there.

While all of you know I am no fan of Bush, there is just something magnificent about being able to stand 100 yards from where your nations leader lives, to go into the Capitol building and walk the halls and be in the rooms where our nations history has been shaped for the last 200 years, to actually be able to walk into your Senators or Representatives offices freely, and those of others who don't represent you, and to go and view the documents that are the foundation of this great country. When I was a kid and visited Washington all that stuff was interesting to me and that's why I love history and a PoliSci major now, but going there now when I am almost thirty, it just means so much more to me now than it did when I was a kid. I guess maybe because I see and hear and study the struggles that our nation faced in the past and will face in the future.

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Re: Mr. Sluggo goes to Washington.

Ok, so what's all the mumbo jumbo have to do with you jolting through the White House lawn to see how fast you can get to the front door grin.gif J/k grin.gif

I would however pay to see that. I could see you in a comedy movie about that. Remember in the movie Wedding Crashers where they are out hunting and the one guy get's shot in the butt...imagine Sluggo dashing through the White House lawn getting sprayed in the butt with buck shot grin.gif

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