HS Camo Spray Paint Kits?


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I have decide to forego the new stock and forend for a total camo job on my 870 pump.

I bought on of these kits on a leap of faith..

Anyone use them?

Its the one with 4 colors in 16 oz cans and it comes with stencils. Although I do not know what the stencils look like, I had planned to use natural materials for stenciling...

Just wondering how durable the paint is, etc...

I do plan to do a total wipe down on the gun with alchol and dry wipes to remove any oils and then use a quality primer.

If you have done up a gun with this or any paint please post some pics..


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Re: HS Camo Spray Paint Kits?


That looks freakin awesome!

This is what I am shooting for, no pun intended.

I plan to use the tan, OD, and some brown.

But since this is my turkey gun I have a slightly brighter green for that new growth look that I will need in spring... Just a speck here and there not over all.

I plan to use natural materials too for stenciling..

Thanks for the pic its truely an awesome looking rig.

Anyone else?

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Re: HS Camo Spray Paint Kits?

Don't get the HS paint. I used that last summer when I painted my 870, and it was fine, but it took forever to dry. If I had it to do over again, I would use the Krylon, no questions asked.

It's really pretty durable though, but I used Carb cleaner to clean the guts of my gun and where part of the cleaner "held" in a couple spots pulled the paint off. My fault though.





I just masked off my trigger, safety, and anything else I didn't want painted. I also removed the barrel when I painted (hung it up by putting string throug the barrel with a stick on the end of the string.) I've had a ton of compliments on it since I painted it. It's truly one of a kind. That first coat is the toughest, but no regrets from me (other than choosing the HS paint kit instead of the Krylon) Good luck!! Show us pics when you're done!

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Re: HS Camo Spray Paint Kits?

BTW- I made my own stencil. I did the mud brown, then used the stencil with black. Once I hit the black, I'd let it dry, move the stencil over slightly and hit it with the khaki to give it the shadow effect. I'd lightly spray over some of the khaki with the olive drab to give some contrast. Once you do all that, move the stencil over a few inches and do it again! (now you see why I wanted paint that dried faster) I also think the Krylon is a little thinner and is just a little better paint.....

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Re: HS Camo Spray Paint Kits?

You might want to look into the kind that you slightly heat and it forms a coating on your gun. Someone posted a pic of their turkey shotgun in the turkey forum a few months ago and it looked awesome. You might want to do a search there for shotgun camo or something, or maybe someone can find it for ya.

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Re: HS Camo Spray Paint Kits?

HOSG-That really looks good!!!!

I could not wait for the HS kit to come in the mail as my trip is Friday...

So I went to our local hardware store and saw some Rustoleum (sp) Camoflauge paint.

Looks like a new line for them, or at least I have never seen it before.

About $4.75 per can so I bought a "Army Green" which is thier olive drab, "Kakie" (tan), and a can of really good flat black primer.

I stripped the 870 down and wiped it super good with alcohol wipes and painted it today before I went to bed. (I work nights)

I did not do steciling yet, I may on my day off Thursday, but not sure if I want to since it looks really good as is.

Pics will be coming soon...

The HS kit may go back on sale when I get it... LOL

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Re: HS Camo Spray Paint Kits?

It's an optical illusion caused by the angle of the shot.

The picture was taken befor I tied the stand to the tree and the stand was leaning over to the left while the tree leans a little right. That may be why the ladder may be a little twisted.


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