How was your opening day New Yorkers


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Guest DaHunter

Re: How was your opening day New Yorkers

Well it was a decent morning for me and my family. My brother and father each got a jake and i called in 4 toms and missed, but i didnt hear anything until 8:30 they gobbled at about 200 yards and just ran in !!. O well better luck the next time.

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Re: How was your opening day New Yorkers

Well...I got wet shortly after seeing the birds fly down.

They went acrossed the creek before they hit the ground. Played catchup with them until somewhere around 10am when I was reaching down into my vest to get a call and see if I could get one to sound off.

Walk and call...hear a gobble..sit down and wait. Did that most of the morning and had just stopped walking to call again when I caught movement out of the corner of my eye to my left @ 20 or so yards.

Stood completely still until my legs ached. When the wind started up a bit I swayed a little bit and they went back to feeding. I got the gun off my shoulder and got on one knee behind what was left of a fallen tree's trunk that was still standing. I was slightly above the birds and could see a couple of them through the limbs of the fallen tree.

Watched them while I reached into my vest and found the box call i have with slate on one side. Pulled out the striker and purred as softly as I could.

The bird I saw with a beard let me know he was the boss and rattled the ground when he gobbled.

I set the call down and got ready...waited...waited...nothing?

Slowly stood back up and leaned out to take a peek and he had me dead in his sights...but I had him too cool.gif


Flopped off into a small creek and drowned or so I thought until I went to take a look at him shocked.gif

I took the top of his head off...literally only the bottom of his beak was left.

He's got a nice 9-1/2" beard, 1" spurs, and I'm geussing about 17-18lb wieght.

I took a pic of him in the field but have not looked at it's definitely going to be extremely graphic I know that much crazy.gif

Walking back to the truck, which I figured would only take a few minutes, I realized I chased them birds over 3 miles cool.gif

Darn bird felt like he was 50lbs by the time I got back and opened the back of the Blazer grin.gif

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Re: How was your opening day New Yorkers

Well sports aint pretty crazy.gif

I geuss the pattern on the 3-1/2" #5 is a little tight at 20 yards tongue.gif

Theres a little bit of the waddles left, a stump for the neck, and some skin holding the lower portion of the beak on...thats it!

One things for sure...I did not get any pellets in the meat...LOL

As far as this bird being one of those I heard while sightng in my ML...could be...they were roosted in the general area where I heard them gobbling that day...before they took me on the 3 mile tour!!!

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Re: How was your opening day New Yorkers

I got lucky and killed a nice 20.5 pounder with a 9.5" beard and 1" spurs at 5:55 this morning. It was a short/sweet hunt with lots of gobbling. This hunt was especially rewarding since I had some moron park next to my truck and come down and set-up about 70 yds. from me. The dumb as* came walking all the way down to the woods with a flashlight at 5:00. Thankfully, mr. big boy didn't see his light and liked the sound of my woodhaven mouthcall and the real hen calling behind me. Now, its gonna be tough to tag #2.


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Re: How was your opening day New Yorkers

My brother and I went out this morning at 5am and we were surrounded by at least 12 gobblers. I called in 4 jakes and we both passed them up hoping for the bigger bird but it was very quiet after they flew down. Heard several others in the distance but nothing came in. We ended up leaving the woods at 11:45. I did happen to come across a 5 point buck's skeleton. I have to work in the morning but my brother will give it a try. Good luck to all.

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Re: How was your opening day New Yorkers

Well congrats GW for the guillotine shot on a nice gobbler. Gald you put those fancy sights on your shotgun.

Congrats NY bowhunter on your nice bird too. Hope you made the other dude jump when you shot.

Sorry about the miss Dahunter. One of my old saying is, if you haven't missed a turkey you haven't shot at enough of them yet. I've sure shared that felling before. Congrats to your brother and your dad.

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Re: How was your opening day New Yorkers

Here's the GPS info from my hunt...In 3-D. cool.gif

The Topo Map does not show all the small creeks...or the bugs I swallowed either while I was huffing and puffing after those birds...LOL

The birds were roosted just to the left of my first setup and basically flew down to the south acrossed the creek and then followed that creek to the south east until I caught up with them.


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Re: How was your opening day New Yorkers

Opening day was great with a 9in. beard 7/8 in.spur and 17.53 pound bird riding home in my truck at 6:30 am. Today was also good with a 5 1/2 in. bearded bird taking a dirt nap in the back of my truck. Taged out in two days can't beat that. Now I can call birds for other people and still have fun. smile.gif

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Guest outdoorgirl

Re: How was your opening day New Yorkers

went monday morning and didn't hear a gobble.....but i did hear a gun shot in the field across the road.

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Re: How was your opening day New Yorkers

I'm hearing tons of gobbles and seeing lots of birds. Can't seem to close the deal.. I seem to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. They all seem to be with hens and I can't get them away...

Congrats to everyone else who had some luck...


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