Last day Sucess in Bama


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Hey guys, got 2 of Alex Williams calls in Saturday around 1:00 pm & was able to take them out on the last day of Alabama's turkey season (4/30). Man these things are beautiful & they have got some serious turkey in them just waiting to come out. Not bad results for a call...1st morning out & 1 bird down.

This bird has kicked my butt 3 times in the last 2 weeks, but yesterday it was my turn. FIGHT OVER!

Stats: 20lbs, 9" beard, 1" spurs

Good luck to all of you who are still able to hunt & to those of you who are like me & the season is over...time to get on the "HONEY-DO" list.

Would post more phots, but can't get the things to upload.100_0810.JPG

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