Opening weekend of trout in Michigan


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Things never really worked out the way I had planned them. I thought I was going to be fishing all week but that didn't happen. However, we did head out to my hunting spot at 1 AM and fished the river. First cast, snag, second cast, snag. It just didn't seem like it was going to work out. Finally we found a hole we could get a few drifts through. For a few hours we worked this hole but never got anything. Really, really tired we packed it up and headed in. I was going to go back out at sunrise but my body had other ideas.

Looks like there is still fishable numbers of steelies around but without spawn, it's basically impossible to fish unless you want to catch a million smolts. However, I did see a jack king in the river. Fork tail, pretty chrome. Pretty sure it wasn't a laker. Also it looks as if the carp and bass are moving in.

Sunday mournin headed back out to my little piece of heaven in the woods. Fished many holes, log jams, run, ect without much luck. I did catch two of the most beautiful brook trout I have ever seen. For some reason the first brook came right near a deer rub, and the second came in front of a tree I plan on putting a stand for the 06 bow season. I think god is trying to tell me something, lol. Unfor, my battery for my digi decided to die on me, so no pics:(

After that I did some more scouting, and found another excellent spot to put a stand right over 6 runs criss croosing each other where deer have been heavely working the area. Then I started morel looking. Right when I was about to give up I looked down in a conifer forest and seen some morels. Thought they were pines cones at first. Problem was, they were only 3/4 of an inch. I decided to leave them and hope they grow bigger. We just got a ton of rain so I might go pick them tonight.

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