Pop up blind surprise... a little scary!


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Turkey season is over. I picked up my pop up blind that has been up for a month and a half today.

Just pull some stakes fold it up and throw it in truck, right?

So I'm taking this thing down. I should have known better. It's been up for 1 1/2 months. Dang spiders, built a web over one of the tie downs. I brush the webs away...

Folks, an angel or God himself was watching over me. I'm seriously fortunate. Like I said "I shoulda known better."

As I brushed away the annoying tangles from the tie down, suddenly out jumps a black widow. My hand was merely fractions of an inch from it blush.gif

Folks she absolutely could have got me. I am only writing this post now, because she didn't.

Be careful picking up your popup blinds after turkey season. Lesson learned. Thankfully not the hard way.

God bless and be careful folks.

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Re: Pop up blind surprise... a little scary!

My dad had a porcupine up in his blind once. It was a tower shack, it was early morning and he could hear snoring coming from inside his blind.........lets just say the porcupine was evicted that morning and he didn't have time to pack his things!!

Glad you are alright, spiders can be deadly in some areas!!

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Re: Pop up blind surprise... a little scary!

Wow!!! You are lucky...

I would have done soiled my britches blush.gif and those woods would have gained a blind... crazy.gifgrin.gif

I don't like spiders and snakes...

Dang I just hate walking in the woods when it's dark and have one of those great big juicy things wrap across your face... shocked.gif

You can dang sure know when it happens to me because there is stuff flying and it looks like I'm doing an African Tribal rain dance or something, jumping up and down and spinning in circles trying to get the thing off of me...

Man I hate those things....

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Re: Pop up blind surprise... a little scary!

LMBO @ griz.

Glad it didnt get you.

Around here if you left it out you would have likely found something a little more nasty than black widow in or under it. Copperheads and cottonmouths love hiding under stuff like that.

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Re: Pop up blind surprise... a little scary!

Spiders are less loathed than ticks by me. I hate when you are in the truck driving home and you feel one crawling up your neck. "No officer, I wasn't drinking. I don't know why they have a ditch there anyway."

Backpacking in Utah one time, rolled up sleepng pad and was surprised by a big old scorpion. Started thinking tents were good for more than just keeping you dry. Might take one next time...


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Re: Pop up blind surprise... a little scary!

A buddy's wife felt something crawl in her ear monday night while sleeping. Got him up to look but couldn't see anything. When she got up tuesday she had a really bad ear ache. Called the doc and he found a spider about the size of dime next to the ear drum. shocked.gif

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Re: Pop up blind surprise... a little scary!


A buddy's wife felt something crawl in her ear monday night while sleeping. Got him up to look but couldn't see anything. When she got up tuesday she had a really bad ear ache. Called the doc and he found a spider about the size of dime next to the ear drum. shocked.gif

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WHAT!!! That is some scary stuff there. Hope she is ok.

LMBO @ your post GRIZ grin.gifgrin.gif

Yep I must agree hate ticks, spiders.

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Re: Pop up blind surprise... a little scary!


Spiders and Snakes aren't what you would call my favorite things... crazy.gifcrazy.gif

Glad to hear that thing didn't bite ya...

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same here, my uncle got bit by one last year during turkey season when he put his boots and it got him and he went to the hospital immediately and they gave him a couple shots and he came back home about two hours later. he said it was the worst pain ever

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