do prayers work?


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just a few weeks ago, 2 doctors sent my daughter to a specialist, fearing she had ms. that's when i asked for, and recieved, needed prayers for her. thank you all very much. well, the specialist said her suspected ms. was not ms. he thought her staggering and falling down was caused by her monthly migraine headaches. he sent her in for a mri and cat scan. what showed up is a cist on her nasal gland, causing her migraines, causing the symptoms of ms. only god himself, through your prayers, could have fooled 2 doctors into telling her she had ms, and turned it into a cist. thank you for all the prayers, and the outcome couldn't have been any better. and, thank you, lord.

now, who knows how to get rid of a nasal cist? jk. thanks again, one and all. steve smile.gif

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Re: do prayers work?


who knows how to get rid of a nasal cist?

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Seperating the nasal cavity with surgery to remove a cist,, isn't going to feel good,,,,, but it's way less painful than MS... wink.gif

Prayers do work Steve,, so far my father had been cleared of any cancer in his Colen,, we have to wait on a Pathology test on a couple biopseys they took,, but so far everything looks great for him,, So YES prayers do work for those that have FAITH... wink.gif

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Re: do prayers work?

Oh heck yeah, I'm living proof prayer works.

It continues to be a mystery to me, probably always will be.

Back in 2003, I prayed on my situation everyday, all day. My prayer at night before I drifted to sleep was

"With a wave of your finger, you could make this go away, for her, for my kids, Thy will be done."

Day by day.

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