Ameristep Customer Service

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Monday when I was done Turkey hunting for the day I went to take down my Ameristep DogHouse Blind one of the fiber poles snapped and nailed me in the chops....OUCH !!

So I decided to see if I could purchase another set, so I emailed Ameristep on Wensday and this is what I got in my email today....



Your poles are covered under warranty. If you can give a measurement on one of your poles I will send out a set for you.

Best Regards,

conrad siat

customer service

[email protected]

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I would say that this is super customer service from a company that cares about thier product... wink.gif and wanted to share this with you all.... wink.gif

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Re: Ameristep Customer Service



Hmm, I didn't know they were warrantied. I just went the website and bought new ones when mine broke.

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Same here - oh well, live and learn smile.gif

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Yep, they sure are... I just got them in this afternoons mail in fact..... smile.gifsmile.gif

WAY TO GO AMERISTEP..... cool.gifsmile.gif

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Re: Ameristep Customer Service

I have a deer cart I was using to transport a load of sand when I went over a 6" drop. Well one of the wheels snapped when I did, so I emailed about buying a new one and an hour later I was being asked for my address so they could send me one free. 3 days later I received the package with not 1 but a pair of wheels free. That's good customer service.

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Re: Ameristep Customer Service

Yup I've had 2 of their blinds.....loved my Brickhouse before it was stolen....Conrad at AS gave me an idea on how to lock my next one to a tree.....I will be getting the new ones they are making this year.....excellent improvements.

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Re: Ameristep Customer Service

I seriously doubt they would cover fading.

To bad too since my brother left his out all summer and fall and one 1/2 of it got seriously faded. LOL

The deer still walked within a few yards of it though so it did not appear to effect them in any way negatively.

I think leaving it out for all critters to become climatized to it the key...

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