Brush gun suggestion


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I've got my grandads marlin 336 30-30 that he bought in the late 40's. It was given to me by my mother and was my first deer rifle. I topped it with a simmon's 8pt 3-9X40. It's not the best scope, but it was a nice beginner set-up. I've sence gotten a 243 and 25-06 that I've been using for 5 years now and and have put the 30-30 down. I would like to revive the 30-30 for some short range deer hunting.

I took the scope off because I want to be able to get fast target aquisition but I can't see down the iron sights and see my target at the same time. I forget what the optomologist called it, but it has something to do with the shape of my cornia and the refraction of light in my glasses.

I have fiber optics on my shotgun and can use them. I would like to keep costs at a minimum, and I'm not sure if this old gun will except the new fangled gadgets.

Any suggestions for sight would be appriciated.

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Re: Brush gun suggestion

I have the same problem using iron sights on all my guns. These old eyes just ain't what they used to be. Until this past deer season I hunted in a shotgun only area, and iron sights were out of the question on my 1187 slug gun. The solution I found was a low power variable power scope. I put a 1.75x4x32 Bushnell Trophy shotgun scope on it. Its been great for the past 5 years. Wide angle clear and bright with plenty of eye relief. I keep it on 1.75 power most of the time and target aquisition is no problem. I like the heavy circle -x reticle DOESN'T DISSAPER in brushy cover.

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Re: Brush gun suggestion

Johnf, you might try this. I have dabbed a little orange and green flourescent paint on a couple open sighted handguns of mine and it really helped. My eyes are not as good as they once were either.

I put a touch on each side of the rear sight and a little on the front blade. It worked for me. Cost? nearly nothing. smile.gif

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Re: Brush gun suggestion

Try the Williams fool proof receiver sight. Your Marlin is already tapped for it. Use a fiber optic front bead & you are set. A VERY handy, light and quick handling brush gun.

With teh receiver sight you look through the apeture & focus your eye only on the front bead. They are very accurate.

The military has used this system for years over open sights. They are far easier to use, more accurate and Wiliams calls it.......foolproof grin.gif

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Re: Brush gun suggestion

I'm also removing the scope from my 30-30 this year, and installing a Lyman tang mounted peep site. Plan to use this for still hunting and tracking. Lighter, quick to acquire target, and deliberately Old School. Williams makes a similar sight as well (could be the one referred to above?). Might be something to look into - Good Luck!

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Re: Brush gun suggestion

i like the idea of a red dot. my sister was 9 when she started shooting a rifle and couldnt use a scope right. so we put a holosight of for her and she could hit a paper plate at 100 yards easy.

gives you good FOV and you can get on target quick, not that expensive.


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Re: Brush gun suggestion

I got a rail for the gun last night. I think I'm going to steal the red dot off my pistol and try it out for a while. If I like it. I'll just replace the one on my pistol. $35 is about as cheap as I can do this.

I've already tried the day-glo paint on the sights. It wasn't bright enough for me.

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Re: Brush gun suggestion

Had considered using my shotgun for a brush gun here where I have a few stands that shots would never exceed 80 yards, but it is just too hard not to take the old reliable .270 that works so well in any situation I see here.

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Re: Brush gun suggestion

I put the red dot on last night and I think I've got a winner. The gun is quite a bit lighter without the scope on it. Target aquistion is instant, and I'm pretty sure sighting it in is going to be a breaze. I'm betting my 100 yard group won't be nearly as tight as it was with the 3-9 scope on it, but I don't think it will be any less affective in the woods. In fact, with the target aqusition time, I'm betting I'll be better off with anything within 75 yards, which is what I'll be using the gun for anyways.

I'm going to try to go out and move a couple permanent stand locations in the next week or so. While I'm out there I plan on testing one of those barrel deresonators and get this 30-30 sighted in. I'll let you know how it turns out with both of them.

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Re: Brush gun suggestion

I took the gun out this afternoon and had it sighted in at about 1" low at 25 yards. I went out to 75 yards and my first 5 shots were in about a 2 1/2 inch pattern all within an inch of the bulls eye. I figure I'll put it up untill October and throw some more lead out of it. I figure that's going to work pretty good for what I need.

Thanks for the suggestions.

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