Plans For Food Plots!

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Hey just curious what everyone in here has or will be doing for the spring and summer food plots. Just seeing what all people have come up with and when they are getting started. Its getting closer and the team is getting more and more fired up everyday. Cant wait to see the plots pay off.

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Guest Indianscout

Re: Plans For Food Plots!

We have one 3 acre plot of Imperial Clover (2 years old) and for our spring/summer annual planting we will plant a 3 acre plot of Iron clay cowpeas and black eye peas with a small amount of grain sorgham mixed in. The biggest thing is getting the rain as of today we are 5 inches below normal rainfall.

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Re: Plans For Food Plots!

I've tilled up a whopping 1/2 acre over the past couple days. 1/2 of that will be soy beans, 1/2 will be corn, then next year, they'll flip flop.

Sure is fun messing around in the dirt, especially when you have the right equipment to do it, isn't it?

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Re: Plans For Food Plots!

im planning on plating a small patch of shot plot and if it grows good im planting 1/6 of an acre of it later in the year.

I also got a small 30 x 30 foot plot of techomate monster mix just for one of my stealth cams, and to help the bucks when they are growing there new racks. laugh.gif

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Re: Plans For Food Plots!

We are planting a 1 acre food plot... half in Whitetail Institute Extreme and half in Tecomate Monster Mix. Our plan is to see what grows best then add a couple more plots next year or maybe this fall. We are also planting approx. two 1/8 acre plots of Chufa for the turkeys.

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Guest 257Roberts

Re: Plans For Food Plots!

Well so far this year our plans include 11 acres of Corn, 8 acres of millet,sunflowers,& sorgum, and 16 acres of beans. We are blessed with a lot of open ground and an abundance of deer. This is by far the most agressive spring planting we have ever undertaken but the results i think will be worth it. In the past we have planted 6 acres of beans and 4 acres of corn and had awsome hunting seasons. We are hoping this year will be similar. Also, we planted 150 sawtooths, and will manage our clover patches as well. If things work out and the plots do well we will be offering limited guided bowhunts this year to help offset fertilizer cost and manage the population. So far the corn and dove field are up and doing nicely. Unforturnately we have had a wet couple of weeks so we have been unable to get the beans in the ground. Luckily down here we have until june to get-er-done but i would have liked for them to be in the ground by now. Hopefully we will get them planted in the next couple of weeks.

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