Prayers please one of my friends died more info


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Well jsut found out today right before walking into church that one of the guys i go to school with died. He was only 16. At 530am this morning they stole 5 cars him and some other people and left the scene and he flipped his and flew out of the window and died on the way to the hospital. The other two people with him arent to good there in the hospital. Right now there are a few people missing and the cops are looking around.

Another note there was more than likley drinking in this and possible drugs not sure.

Ill get more info and fill in more on this info later today when i have more time.

Thanks for the time.

Prayers please.

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Re: Prayers please one of my friends died and hospital

Some more news one of the guys in the hospital i dont want to give his name he has a broken pelvis (sp?). Thats all i know on him right now.

My mom is so upset bacause there parents were buying them this beer and stuff and knowing what was happing at least most of them but didnt do a dang thing about it.

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Re: Prayers please one of my friends died and hospital

Very sorry Cody, to hear you lost a friend. What a senseless waste of life.


there parents were buying them this beer and stuff and knowing what was happing at least most of them but didnt do a dang thing about it.

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I hope and pray, that this is a real WAKEUP call to other parents, all those involved, and to all their friends around them. These things shouldn't happen frown.gif

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Re: Prayers please one of my friends died and hospital

The one that is in the hospital has 3 or 4 broken vertibra (sp?) and a broken nose and a couple other things.

How the wreck happened was him and someone else were racing and going over 100 mph and he slide off the road a crashed. THe one that is still alive was found in a creek and the other one had i guess hit his head on the tree.

The person they were racing left the scene and didnt call anyone lucky someone found them.

I guess to me this is just a real wake up call and a slap in the face that anything can happen to any of us no matter what we think. I was talking to CJ and he said its just weird how you can be talking to them the night before and then there gone it is i was talking to him the day before. Life is a crazy thing. Really have to think about things before you go and do them i guess. Another slap in the face is that my class he is in will never be the same.

Sorry for the ramblen. Thanks guys. frown.gif

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Re: Prayers please one of my friends died and hospital

Ramble away Cody! We don't mind a bit, it helps process things and sort out your own thoughts to share them.

Prayers sent!

I lost a friend in High School the same way, God had an awesome plan for revival among the youth in my town from the tragety, and I believe he will do something similar in your experience. Like Buckee said, hopefuly this will serve as a Wakeup call for some uninvolved parents!

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Re: Prayers please one of my friends died and hospital

I have tried to live my life as this day is the last one for me! I don't know if it has made any difference or not!

No problem on "rambling", it will help you to cope with this whole situation! Ramble all you want and we will listen or read it!

Take care!

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Re: Prayers please one of my friends died and hospital

So many things are going on right now my head is like ahh i have a friend going to court tommorrow i just found that out today.

They said ever counselor in the county is going to be at our school tommorrow. Things are just weird some people that live close to my street that were a bit closer to him than i was have been around everyone knows about it now people crying. Its weird. crazy.giffrown.gif

I know everyone thinks itll never happen to them and you always hear about it happening but its not the same until you know the person. When i found out about this this morning i think no one even thought i cared i had found out 5 minutes before i walked in church and was still in shock and trying to tell myself no way its true. So when i told them i didnt really show any feeling what so ever because of being in shock. frown.gif

There is one thing out of this hole thing that makes me mad and i dont know if it should and thats people thinking they know what they are talking about and making things up. We have talked to family members of them and they say thats not what happened.

Yea i know ive said the same thing a couple times in posts now just still thinking about this.

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Re: Prayers please one of my friends died and hospital

May Father God make some good come from this horrible and frightining happening. If others learn from these mistakes than more kids will live to see life as it was ment to be lived. I am truly sorry for your loss. Please Father God dont let this happen without someone learning and saving others from this pain. In The name of Jesus. Amen

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