***New West Coast "BALD-EAGLE CAM" ***


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Guest okladeerhunter

Re: ***New West Coast \"BALD-EAGLE CAM\" ***

buckee....my daughter thinks it is awesome she wants to see them again and again. Good job

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Re: ***New West Coast \"BALD-EAGLE CAM\" ***

It seems they have backed the lens on the camera off and it is a wider view! It is great. A person will be able to see much better when they are feeding!

In just a few days, they will be stretching their wings more and that should be interesting!! cool.gif

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Re: ***New West Coast \"BALD-EAGLE CAM\" ***

It's been about a week since I have looked in, the last time I tried the link wasn't working. I can't believe how much they've grown since then. One of them was sitting off by himself, another was standing on the edge of the nest looking like he was getting ready to try them wings out.

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Guest Andrea

Re: ***New West Coast \"BALD-EAGLE CAM\" ***

Holy cow, I haven't watched these guys in over a week. THEY HAVE GROWN!!!

They look like buzzards. grin.gif

Wonder when their heads turn white??

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Re: ***New West Coast \"BALD-EAGLE CAM\" ***


Holy cow, I haven't watched these guys in over a week. THEY HAVE GROWN!!!

They look like buzzards. grin.gif

Wonder when their heads turn white??

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They don't get the white head, until after their first molt, which takes about a year

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Re: ***New West Coast \"BALD-EAGLE CAM\" ***

Last evening, 6/8 between 7:30 and 8:00 PDT, the smaller of the 2 eaglets was trying to swallow what looked like a fishing line. The adult had brought in a small fish and there must have been a hook and line attached to it! frown.gif

I don't know if the eaglet got it down as I got a phone call and wasn't able to finish watching!

I hope that if it did swallow it, there won't be any harmful effects to the eaglet. frown.giffrown.gif

It seems that person can't be too careful when fishing because you never know where line, sinkers or hooks are going to end up!

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Re: ***New West Coast \"BALD-EAGLE CAM\" ***

I believe that either Slushshooter or Whitewash hit the lens of the camera! There is a pretty big blotch on it! LOL!!! grin.gifgrin.gif

I guess they are going to have to climb up on the boom and clean the lens!! smile.gifgrin.gifsmile.gif

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Re: ***New West Coast \"BALD-EAGLE CAM\" ***


Looks ok now. Are you sure you didn't sneeze on your screen? grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Not that color! LMBO!!! grin.gifgrin.gif

It was there for a bit, then it ran down and then it went away! I really don't know what it was! confused.gifgrin.gif

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Re: ***New West Coast \"BALD-EAGLE CAM\" ***



Looks ok now. Are you sure you didn't sneeze on your screen? grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Not that color! LMBO!!! grin.gifgrin.gif

It was there for a bit, then it ran down and then it went away! I really don't know what it was! confused.gifgrin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

It was probibly one of our local Banana Slugs, sliding across the lens grin.gif

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Re: ***New West Coast \"BALD-EAGLE CAM\" ***

The adults are really get mobbed when they bring something into the nest! WOW!! ooo.gif

The "little" ones go crazy to get whatever is brought in! They are tearing it apart by themselves, so it won't be long before they will try their wings out! smile.gif

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Re: ***New West Coast \"BALD-EAGLE CAM\" ***


I saw one of the eaglets on what looked like a branch up higher than the nest,and you wouldn't see that if it wasn't zoomed out like it is. Im thinking there getting ready to fly grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

COOL grin.gif

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Re: ***New West Coast \"BALD-EAGLE CAM\" ***

I see where the "pecking order" is still alive and well! The adult is feeding the young ones and the smaller one is way over to the side of the nest and the bigger one is getting it's fill! frown.gif

It won't be long before we are watching an empty nest! It has been very entertaining! smile.gif

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