Boito (Brazil) Shotguns?


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Thinking of buying a used side by side with the brand name of Boito. Supposedly distributed through KMart years ago. I'd never heard of this gun maker before - anyone have any information they could share. Does anyone own one? Interested in the Pros/Cons.

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Re: Boito (Brazil) Shotguns?

Picked it up on Saturday and other than being dirty as heck it looks pretty good. Cleaned it up this weekend - can't wait to get out to the range and try it out. Never owned a side-by-side before.

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Re: Boito (Brazil) Shotguns?

Took it to the range yesterday and shot a couple of rounds of skeet with it. What a great shooting little gun. Other than being a little stiff to open it worked like a charm. Took a little bit to get used to the double triggers and the safety. It's the first gun I've owned where the safety automatically goes on when you break open the gun.

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Re: Boito (Brazil) Shotguns?

I've got a Stoeger Uplander Special SxS in 20 ga. It's made by E.R. Amantino (Boito) in Brazil. It's not fancy.........but it's no pig either. I had been doing some trap shooting with it earlier this spring. Really started to like the way it handles. It's a good, solid little gun and when I get back to the trap range, it'll be getting the duty over any of my 12 ga. pumps or autos.

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