Recommendations for deer hide tanning


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My family used to have a local taxidermist tan any deer hides we didn't have time to take care of ourselves, but he's decided to focus solely on deer mounts since they keep him plenty busy.

Does anyone have any suggestions for places to have deerskins tanned into leather (as opposed to hair-on for rugs or mounting)? The best place I've found so far is W.B. Place.

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Re: Recommendations for deer hide tanning

Elnor- Check into Dirty Creek Taxidermy in Martin, OK. He tans TONS of deer hides, many from out of state. Also check into Classic Taxidermy in Claremore. They do some as well. I have no idea as far as cost goes though. Let me know what it costs, I'd like to have a deer hide for a blanket on my bed.

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Re: Recommendations for deer hide tanning

I wasn't able to get ahold of Dirty Creek when I tried calling last November, but I haven't tried Classic Taxidermy. I'll keep them both in mind this fall, thanks.

RE cost, WB Place charges based upon the size (square footage) of the given hide(s). I sent in six hides (two from me, one from my wife, three from other family members) and the cost for leather tanning was between $15-28. Not the cheapest, but hopefully very good quality and you can use the hides as credit towards deerskin items, too. I expect to receive my order with some purchased items (gun case, gloves, shoes) and some leather back shortly and will post about the results once I do.

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